You wanted WIP photos... well. Here you go. Welcome to the underground. How was the fall? The balcony at the top is a central point players naturally gravitate to. However, it's quite difficult to defend. Another balcony. Not much more to say here. Waterfalls out of pipes. I like 'em. Fight me. Special thanks to my co-forger, @icyhotspartin! It's going great! I'll try to keep you guys posted. Happy forging!
I see you held him down to only one death pit! Good job! . . . . . . . . . . . . . (or are there more we can't see?) . . . . . map looks good so far. Has a CE feel to it. I'll have to playtest it on PC when its ready.
Do I spy casual sexism in my Christian server? Good, this is how we should be... Keep on Christianing folks.
Just a reminder that in-line with the current guidelines and efforts put forth by Microsoft in regards to Halo Online, distribution of the base game (aka the ms23 file) is STRICTLYPROHIBITED here on ForgeHub. Sharing of the ms23 or other related assets is punishable by design of our moderation team. You are still welcome to share maps, prefabs and gametypes here on the site. Thank you
I'm having a discussion with my coworker about Halo grenade throw distances and I was wondering if anyone has a link to a document discussing the actual distances that you can throw one for each Halo title. Anyone?
Present arms and absent legs Trample down to powder kegs Keep insight outside unopened Shout the words you left unspoken
Load up MCC. Throw nades at a 45˚ angle in a custom game featuring a recurring map like Blood Gulch-> Coagulation then Zanzibar-> Last Resort. Screenshot the explosion and see if the distance is different.
Been working on lighting for the map (more pics above) and need some advice. How does the lighting look for this map? Too much? Too little? Too pale? Any opinions are appreciated. Thanks!