I don't think anyone is going to understand the sketch if even I can't. Just be careful making everything a square because it really dumbs down your lines of sight. This is coming from the guy who made a Japanese themed map. Maybe add some terrain?
"Another area Sean has been tinkering with on the side is working on the pipeline and process to bring Halo Custom Edition maps into MCC." - https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/mcc-development-update-3
I just read the Marvel Civil War comics. I was rather disappointed with the ending. Granted, I have no idea where else it could have gone though. Too many characters in play. Neat concept though.
Still no lighting. Almost 1400 pieces in. The remaining 200 is for detail, lighting, fx, sounds and other changes.
By others changes you mean spawn points and weapon placements etc. right? Just make the map playable ok!!!
Don't worry about it: I am going to make it a little less geometric. icyhotspartin is helping me out with the map, too.