Meh, I hardly touch my PS4. I just pull it out for the single player heavy hitters. The One X pretty much dominates otherwise. Not really too concerned with most of their smaller exclusives. Looking forward to traipsing around in Ni No Kuni 2 but unfortunately that means dragging my PS3 out of storage to play the original. Really not a fan of Sony's idea of BC. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't sell it, I'm not a ****ing idiot. The exclusive AAA single player games the PS4 has are some of the best available.
I love triggering the ignorant with facts, forchub is my favorite place to do that The reason why riptide is objectively artistically good is because of the pleasant contrast of warm and cool colors, all the while introducing a unuiqe twist on the UNSC theme. They could have been more creative with the layout by utilising the sand more to create ramps and banks but oh well at least the map looks good
So all you need for objectively good art is a contrast of warm and cool colors? Who knew, I guess framing, lighting, 3d models, and overall atmosphere have nothing to do with a maps artistic integrity. Consider me both enlightened and triggered.
What kind of stupid post is this. The warm and cool colors if anything look tacky as hell and clash. There's no unique twist, it's the same shitty overdetailed and needlessly rounded doorways and tech that's present in all 343 maps. There's no framing. No notable lighting. It just looks like a rehash of everything else with sand thrown in.
No. Room. To. Breathe. And here's nothing UNSC about any of that. it just looks like freeware sci fi assets thrown together. Scroll down this page and find a good looking map.
Stop being dominated by your emotions, just because it's not perfect doesn't mean it's not good from an artistic perspective
Convenient cop out response. Nothing to do with my emotion, Riptide just happens to look like it was made inside of my asshole.
Cop out of what? Your response has no substance, just unfounded opinions. "needlessly rounded doorways " you seriously think this is a big deal? This is wholy irrelevent in the grand scheme of things "warm and cool colors if anything look tacky as hell and clash." There are good and bad examples of this. Fathom and empire are examples of conflicting colors, hard red and hard blue. The goal is to be more subtle... The pale blue compliments the water while the orange compliments the sand, it's cohesive. Tyrant is another good example of this, one side being lit up by the sun, the other side in covered in shadow creating a cool contrast to the other side of the map. Arcanum is moslty a cool green with accents of warm reds and yellows You are just heated and not thinking properly i know you are smarter than this mate