Not exactly what I intended That's Charles II of Spain, famous for being so royally consanguinous that his reign destroyed the Spanish Empire - he is the equivalent of Microsoft and 343's incestuous hold on Halo
There are some limits for various scripting junk in H5 (if there's 2 numbers I just can't recall which it is): 8/16 Move Offset scripts using TARGETS (or maybe it's Move scripts of any kind? Maybe Position Reset too?) 8/16 Boundary Check scripts 8 Flag objects with flags... additional Flags are just poles! Or skull-topped wizard staffs 16 Weapon Pad navpoints... maybe navpoints in general for each player? 1 Sound Play per player (some interrupt current sounds like piano notes, while others wait until they're finished like voice overs) 64 object limit for mod object selection (it can process more than 64, but you only get 64 returned) I thought Goat was telling us to grind 29,000 Microsoft Points using Bing Rewards to get him 12 months of XBL Gold! Not really, but it's a solid plan. Again, not really. I actually managed it & it was only semi-annoying.
I'm working on a H2A map in MCC (preparing for that big update!) and was wondering if anyone would like to test it sometime. It's a small map called "Scoria", an abandoned weapons forge inside a volcano (I'll upload some photos later)! Just add me on Xbox if you would like to try it when it's done.
Man, God of War looks really good. **** having an Xbox nowadays. Canceled the auto-renew on my live subscription this month cuz I don't play it, wish I had a PS4 now.