The Thursday Thirteen, Map Testing Lobby

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ascend Hyperion, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. FRED lllll

    FRED lllll Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: FRED lllll
    Map: Ascendence Final ( Beta )
    Gametype: Free For All Slayer
    PlayerCount: 6 players
    The Map is not done, and this map may have been born infamous, but I will be damned if I with all my new forge experience make this dreamscape enjoyable to play on! Enjoy this map
    MAJOR TWEAKS: Alot of islands have been closed from 2 jumps between to one, Alot of bridges have been shortened, Alot of routes have been altered, A flying Sentinel now roams the map and is almost done ( it opens and closes certain routes ), alot of art is not done, but I am looking for feedback on the prototype forerunner art design and MOSTLY the maps Gameplay! A old island has been removed, cove has been entirely redisigned, a entirely new Island has been added, Portal Island has been redone, portals have been redone, weapons have been re balanced. Green island has been raised up to counter the two closer islands
    #941 FRED lllll, Apr 3, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  2. lNeedMoreBleach

    lNeedMoreBleach Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Cougar cleal14
    Map Name: crossbow
    Gametype Requested: 8v8 assault (if you want to i also need flags tested)
    Short description: general game play, spawn, aesthetic feedback.
    Link to Map: crossbow map link

    (some miner layout updates have been made. new test version)
    #942 lNeedMoreBleach, Apr 3, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  3. Sir Veyza

    Sir Veyza Legendary

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    Gamertag: A Beardzerker
    Map Name: Thieves Den
    Gametype: BTB Strongholds (Primary) or BTB Assault (Secondary), 16 players.
    Short Description: “Outer Colonies likes these serve as prominent black markets for smugglers and mercenaries looking to sell stolen UNSC tech.”

    (If you could test Assault or Flags just to see how they work, that’d be great. Strongholds has been tested a few times already.)

  4. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    it me
    I got 2 for ya - if you're pressed for time, please just test the newer one :)
    the new one actually is pretty broken and missing blockers out on the 'veranda', so maybe you're better off doing the 'remaster' instead

    please test the new one, 2v2 - it's ready

    newest one:
    you can do 2v2 - though I wanted it to be 1v1
    so do 2v2 pls pls ty ty
    third in the 'Sketched' family

    teleporters are dot-coded while in beta
    . to . (also artcoded)
    .. to .. (also artcoded with pseudo non-Euclidean geometry)
    ... to ... (also artcoded)

    older remaster:
    same problem - try 2v2 pls!
    original 'Sketched' map with new pathing, new aesthetics, new weapons, new spawns, etc.
    #944 icyhotspartin, Apr 4, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  5. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Scarabeus
    Gametype: Awoken
    Player Count: 12-14

    Map Name: Ironhall
    Gametype: Slayer
    Player Count: 4v4
    At the beginning of the match there are no powerups/weapons - Camo (120s), OS (120s), Sniper (120s), Rockets (180s)
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  6. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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  7. The Omicron

    The Omicron a permabanned Amish boy
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    #947 The Omicron, Apr 5, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2018
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  8. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Pls fix link. It only links to your fileshare, not the individual file. I don't know if you know this, but opening the map in a new tab then copying that new tab's url provides a direct link to the bookmark button. If you did that you most likely need to make it visible :V
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  9. The Omicron

    The Omicron a permabanned Amish boy
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fixed, thanks
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  10. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    Thought I'd leave some thoughts here in addition to what's on stream. If something I write here is incoherent or confusing, let me know and I'll clarify what I meant.

    Maluvai - 4v4 Slayer @?
    First time playing this map.

    Map felt like it was ready for:
    Polish. Overall layout feels complete, but lots of quality of life things. Primary things to focus would be invisible blockers on stairs to make grenade gameplay smoother.

    Something to keep:
    Layered gameplay felt very fresh. Provided a unique experience.

    Something to revisit:
    Hard to finish kills without coordinated teamshotting. Perhaps switch carbine for a regular BR to improve auto aim, or find a way to increase player lethality.

    Ironhaul - 4v4 Slayer @Buddy Jumps
    First time playing this map.

    Map felt like it was ready for:
    More design. Verticality is an interesting hook, but map had one mode - hold White Corner, which felt a little unbalanced.

    Something to keep:
    Great unique feel - I actually don't mind the High Ground feel of everyone pushing up to the top.

    Something to revisit:
    Better flanking routes to White Corner would help - right now I can take the stairs (fun to fight on) or assault via two lifts (not fun). A 4th flanking route where I don't have to take a blind jump would help that tug of war feel more fun.

    Russet @Foge - had you in the lobby, so won't write up. Felt like a solid 4v4 entry.

    Sturhghirzhrr - 4v4 Slayer @The Omicron
    First time playing this map.

    Map felt like it was ready for:
    Art touch-ups. Gameplay felt tight, no obvious changes. Assuming framerate isn't already capped, I think you're ready for final touches & visual flair. A little color to the interior rooms in terms of lighting or wall decorations (green screens in one, orange screens in another, for example?)

    Something to keep:
    Snipers felt great - not overpowered, but highly relevant for a skilled shooter.

    Something to revisit:
    How would needles feel in one or both of the Carbine spots? OS didn't seem to impact Slayer, but I have a gut feeling it would be a big deal for Strongholds or CTF. Camo would serve a similar high risk purpose, but escaping to the central Carbine rooms would let you make something of it. Alternatively, a weapon I can walk away with - rockets with 2 shots seems like it might fit.
  11. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    thanks @Ascend Hyperion et al. for the playthru - I should have posted a walkthrough with the tele pathing first, so my bad for throwing you all in at the deep end :)
    I'll post one in WAYWO later and link it here
  12. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    except, for this map it will not be a "walk" through, but a "how not to fall" through :p
  13. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    what's new lol
  14. Uzzi

    Uzzi Heroic

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  15. The Grim Dealer

    The Grim Dealer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Gamertag: The Grim Dealer
    Map Name: Artifact Complex
    Gametype: BTB Strongholds
    Link to Map: Link
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  16. Nivalack

    Nivalack Heroic

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    Gt: Nivalack
    Map: Accumulation (beta 2.7)
    Gametype: Btb slayer

    Wasps have been removed from map and I've put more effort into providing cover for infantry, though I am a little worried the changes make vehicle paths too cluttered, so any pointers in that regard would be appreciated.

    (Edit 4/19) after some time, I made changes that felt more appropriate to feedback. Link has been updated. I'm still looking for feedback on how to improve cover for infantry.
    #956 Nivalack, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  17. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Scarabeus
    Gametype: Awoken
    Player Count: 12-14
    • No spawnkilling anymore (humans can't shoot or walk into the zombie spawn)
    • The zombie spawn after the first door is better now, too, it was ridiculous before for the humans (it was directly above the humans, now there is a little gap right after the door, so if the humans push through quickly they can easily kill dropping zombies (there were multiple gaps before))...
    • The punishing teleporters do not spawn as quickly anymore - if the humans play the game normally there shouldn't be any problems

    Map Name: Ironhall
    Gametype: Slayer, no radar please
    Player Count: 4v4
    • 30 seconds after match start Sniper (left side of red spawn, 120s respawn timer) and Camo (lava cave, 120s) spawn in
    • 60 seconds after match start Rockets (under red spawn, 180s) and OS (under white top mid, 180s) spawn in
    And in case you want to/there's enough time, the new Optic Prison is ready, too. ^^
  18. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Halo 5 Guardians (39).png

    try 2v2 (no radar, no ARs) pls!
    original 'Sketched' map with new pathing, updated aesthetics, new weapons, new spawns, etc.
    it still needs camera and piece optimization in a few places, so don't mind the aesthetics (like the teleporters - 2 of them) or the framerate
    #958 icyhotspartin, Apr 11, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
  19. lNeedMoreBleach

    lNeedMoreBleach Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Cougar cleal14/lneedmorebleach
    Map Name: crossbow
    Gametype Requested: 8v8 assault or flags not fussed
    Short description: spawn and base/objective feedback
    Link to Map: crossbow map link

    (some miner layout updates have been made)
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  20. Spaceork02

    Spaceork02 Legendary
    Senior Member

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