I mean there is that weeby one coming out that started the stupid ass sonic conversation so you are already seeing it happen.
I had nostalgia goggles thinking that was the coolest show as a kid. I found it again and damn it's hilarious. Sonic and his brother and sister fight robots with the power of music. They have to stop Dr. Robotnick from "robotosizing" everyone. It is both childish and also really dark.
Loose thought - when tonal shift leads to differentiation of game mechanics within a genre that then converge on the same mechanics and end up destroying themselves See halo/cod devolution
Duke nukem is gay and the rest were different from each other in at least one major way and no, a game genre is not the same as a clone. Fortnite is WAY different from Pubg, but it's in the same genre.
They fixed what wasn't broken and then deleted private matches for kicks. Still waiting for fun Crucible to return.
And thus, the under-city basement dwellers of forgehub crawled out of their caves. Unwavering in their faggotry, the proud warrior race of duke nukem-loving retards push forth. Will Sitri the reach kid ever learn to forge a 45 degree angle? Will Aschur ever learn when and when not to correctly use commas? Found out next time on Dragon Ball Forgekid!
Okay Mick is now a music god Music is so metal that satanic imagery appears in a visual spectrograph @MultiLockOn @Given To Fly @Xandrith
yeah, how is that not awesome... freedom fighter whose weapon is a guitar... doesn't get more badass than that.