I got ideas for a map in my head that I've been thinking about while listening to the book of revelations Come up, and I will show you what must happen hereafter
In serious news Halo Battle Royale looks Bretty Gude Can you imagine? PUBG but with spartan abilities!! Wow!! Innovative!!! And the best part is that it's all canon!!!
Uploaded walkthroughs of the maps I've been messing around with on MCC TilteD (The H5 WIP of this was called Eventide): BlurB (The H5 WIP of this was called Winsome Melody):
How to forge Time and Infinity: You put down two teleporters and a block. You forge the rest of the ****ing map. by Salty Koala Jumps at Purely Fat Box
Second attempt at getting an Evolved lobby in ONE hour Expectations are currently less than substantial