@Ascend Hyperion thanks for running through the choppy version :^) Good feedback overall I think, though it may be too late to really change anything up too much geometry-wise.. perhaps the king hill will become a king... hole? Needs less power for sure, and the weapons/spawning will get an overhaul too And piece usage - Oy Vey stop your crying over frames, 1070/820P 12FPS is the ideal way to play halo 5
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map name: Old Yharnam Gametype: Hunted Player count: 16 Description: an all new infection/linear infection style minigame based in old yharnam from bloodborne. That's all I'm giving you detail wise as I need to see how easy it is for players to pick up how to play. You should have no problems but I'm doing this just in case. Please note the aesthetics while nearly done still need work so don't judge based on these. I'm looking for feedback on stuff like framerate and just the gamemode itself. Screenshots: Map link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...Poppy210_62479001-51a2-41b4-8d4c-fbbd4b335e51 Gametype link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...Poppy210_d29f463d-2210-4b44-a888-ef9ad083ebb5 "Let the hunter become the hunted!"
Gamertag: The Grim Dealer Map Name: Conflux Gametype: 4v4 Assault Link to Map: Link Swapped OS and bomb spawn locations
Gamertag: xw Trifecta wx Map: Glade Gametype: BTB Assault PlayerCount: 16 Players ( 8 v 8 ) Map Description: " All scientific data collected has resulted in the hypothesis that the planet has annihilated any natural life-form that attempts to grow on its surface, yet reasoning as to why or how is still unclear. " Forgehub Link Map Link
GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Krakken v12.7 Gametype: BTB Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Krakken I have taken the spawn points out of the top of the bases but not have taken the second story out as a hope to maybe slow down the traffic through the second story but not necessarily eliminate it altogether. GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Raptors Nest Gametype: Avian Infection Player Count: 16
Gamertag: Foge Map Name: Russet Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 CTF Short description: Competitive focused 4v4 Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ant_Foge_acbecb8e-7b81-46ae-88ea-df47f3ee9ed8
Gamertag: Arpod Map Name: Gemhelios Gametype Requested and Player Count: up to 4v4 team slayer Short description: re-imagining of Gemini from halo 2 Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...nt_ARPOD_ee06c7a9-09fd-4bcc-bcb8-a0ab4334ff49
Gamertag: Buddy Jumps Map Name: Scarabeus Gametype: Awoken Player Count: 12-14 WIP Thread Changed the beginning a bit - no top spawns for infected until 30 seconds after start of opening door (light appears). This should give the humans enough time to position themselves next to the door. We'll see.
Gamertag: TimeDipper Map Name: Descendant Gametype: Big Team Strongholds, 16 Players Link: HaloWaypoint Description: BTB map based on Ark from Halo 3. Map has undergone major updates and tweaks since last playtest. Looking to test gameplay balance between power weapons and vehicles.
Gamertag: The Grim Dealer Map Name: Conflux Gametype: 4v4 Assault Link to Map: Link Reposting just in case.
Gamertag: CrypTic Zerr0 Map Name: Rooftop Plaza Gametype Requested and Player Count: Stronghold and 4v4 or 6v6 either work Short description: Its a map that takes place on the roof of a UNSC Navy office, the map is symmetrical and has multiple power weapons, with a low, mid, and high ground. Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ic Zerr0_a29fc132-355c-4d1d-ba95-61a1f1d86ea9 Gametype Link (If needed): N/A
Gamertag: Foge Map Name: Russet Gametype Requested and Player Count: 4v4 Slayer Short description: Looking for performance issues. Noticed some people said they had terrible framerate last time when I never had any to begin with. Consolidated some stuff so hopefully that wont happen. Link to Map: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...ant_Foge_acbecb8e-7b81-46ae-88ea-df47f3ee9ed8
Thursday 13 WILL happen tonight at 7pm CST and we need people! Join in and support your fellow forgers! Those who participate tonight will be given priority if they submitted a map and those who play will receive 1000 homeslices
MAP NAME: FUSION 4v4 slayer .. i couldn't get the link as my wi fi is dwn but the map is visible would like feedback on my art direction.. peace
Gamertag: Cougar cleal14 Map Name: crossbow Gametype Requested and Player Count: 8v8 strongholds Short description: performance issues, general game play feedback, any note worthy feedback. Link to Map: crossbow map link
GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Krakken v12.7 Gametype: BTB Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Krakken I removed spawns from the second story of the bases in an attempt to limit camping from the defending team. GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Raptors Nest 1.5 Gametype: Avian Infection Player Count: 16 Shout out to Delta V for helping me with scripting on the centerpiece
GamerTag: Ryilz noble 7 Map: Maluvai Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 8 Map Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/... noble 7_c4e57d72-3c6e-4f25-8ecc-4b95e730f4e3
GamerTag: King Kantalope Map: Dodecahedron Gametype: ForgeHub 1v1 Player Count: 1v1 Basically one day after my D&D session I took a hollow dodecahedron, set it at an interesting angle, and slapped interesting engagement ideas around the map. It's all about angles, counterpositioning, crossmapping, pretty much just reading the other player and knowing the map's movement options. BTW the blue emmisives are teleporter exits that correspond angularly to the teleporter entrances. P.S. I haven't seen if this map has framerate on Xbox One O/S/X, but it's light on everything at the moment, so hopefully the prophets have me in their favor.