I'm imagining a greenly soup as the death pit caused by the harvested Uranium in this cave... Trash and other nasty stuff would make it a deathly cocktail. It wouldn't be too shiny, just a bit. What would you think of that? (The lighting on the right comes from the ovens, where they burn the dead bodies... and sometimes... alive folk)
Well, normally yes - 'icyhot' has its roots in the muddling of blue and red sensory data but NOT TODAY went back to the reddish lighting scheme for the revisited Sketch - @Spranklz you sneaky ***** you
dude, my new monitor makes these images deliciously saturated with yellow mmm mmmMMM so deLICIous mm!
You ever want something enough to purchase it, even though you know its not worth the price? Im in that situation. My buddy was showing me his shoe collection he has, and this was the only pair that grabbed my attention. Been thinking about it for weeks now. And the damn things have went up 10% since he showed me.
Why lol? Its more common than you think. $945 last i checked. Was $700 when he bought them. @no god anywhere i wear red air force 1s, so judge me based on that for the time being.
They look nice But you could USE DA MONNI to buy something much more... how you say... valuable Like stamps
Like i said, i know theyre too much. But besides a car, theres nothing else im interested in buying really. I love saving, but i feel sometimes you should splurge a little and spend on stuff you want instead of need. I also killed it yesterday with my stock options so it made me much more willing to spend some. Ill just keep pondering it. Though ive been pondering buying a car since 2016 to give you an idea of how indecisive i am with large expenses.
Well there's too much and there's waaay too much. Buy hey, we all need to buy something pretty once in a while right? But when I do that it's probably worth the money Plus I'm not the right guy to talk about trends or fashion. I usually only buy stuff when I really have to haha.
Now that I think of it, I bought my last pair of shoes because I liked them but I didn't need them at all. Hmmm...
Im right there with you man. I still wear some shirts that are ten years old now. What i usually wear is cheap and casual. What shoes did you buy?