What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I am at a loss for words

    EDIT: Wait I'm being trolled
  2. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    It's not meant to be taken seriously lets be fair.
  3. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
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  4. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wouldnt say that. Its just a kind of warm up map. Everybody seemed to have fun on it.
    CANADIAN ECHO, WAR and HeX Reapers like this.
  5. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Maybe if it were Pistols only, H5 Sniper isn't really a weapon anyone needs to warm up with.
    K a n t a l o p e and xzamplez like this.
  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thats why im saying kind of. Idk what to classify it as. A competitive mini game or something.

    Is there a way to have multiple ricochet balls? It could be interesting for the map.
    HeX Reapers likes this.
  7. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Just spawn more Ball plates and give them the Sportsball Include label. The order you placed them in Forge represent the spawn order in-game.

    EDIT: Although if you mean have multiple balls in play at once, then no you can't.
    xzamplez likes this.
  8. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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  10. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Imagine how much better DS would be as a game if there was no lock on mechanic, players would have to face enemies in order to defend against attacks. When running away from fights you would be risking taking damage. The camera wouldn't spaz out anymore during boss fights

    Auto targeting was useful when 3d was being introduced but realy needs to go now
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lock on still has it's place in DS, good luck playing a caster without it. And autotargeting and lock on are different things. Autotargeting has always been an option you could DS.\

    Also, if anyone wants to take a look at Weathervane (the castle map I'm working on), here is a link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=2&gamertag=I am Aschur#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_I am Aschur_c0a27a6f-843f-4572-b3a4-d532ab5d80e4

    Lemme know how bad the framerate is. I'm forging it on pc.
    #26071 Aschur, Mar 22, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  12. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I understand your intentions but you need more experience with dark souls before you start thinking like this.

    Lock on is a fundamental aspect of souls. Beyond the obvious impact it would have on magic and projectile items or weapons its not even just there to help you aim. There are bosses like the nameless king and Lothric/lorian with moves meant to break lock-on and punish you for not using it, weapons arts that lock-on glorifies and even entire boss designs that would hardly be feasible without lockon. Watch how the camera responds to his attack at 6:40 and the badass flying crossbow move right after. This fight would be a mess without the fluidity of the camera and cinematic feel it creates.

    Yeah it can spaz at times but there are many examples of why it belongs and how the game is built around it. Dont fix what isnt broken especially if you dont fully understand the implications. Besides you shouldnt even always be using it... its not always advantageous.

    Youre obviously enjoying dark souls but you gotta listen to me when i say youre not playing dark souls right when you just R1 through one playthough while ignoring all the npc quest, covenant, item usage, spells and weapon systems and then wonder why its getting stale, "just fighting things." Did you even finish ds1 or learn to parry yet?

    SMH noob
    #26072 no god anywhere, Mar 22, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  13. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is not a lack of forge maps in matchmaking at all. There is simply a lack of original 4v4 forge maps in matchmaking. I wish people would realize this. There is currently over around 90 maps in matchmaking that you can play right now by jumping into various playlists. Only 2 out of the 7 playlists in the social tab even have dev maps in them for gods sake. We have more forge maps in matchmaking then ever before.

    These are all the current forge maps that are still in matchmaking to my knowledge.

    Scavenger - Commander Colson
    Fracture - Squally DaBeanz
    Viking - no god anywhere
    Alter - Wyvrnzu
    Guillotine - The Pyschoduck
    Risen - D3LTA V, Sarizon
    Ancestor - D4rkDeath, weeeeman
    Deadlock - NOKYARD
    Entombed - Ducain23
    Dispelled - TimeDipper
    Eagle Square - Shifty Time
    Recurve - Squally Dabeanz and Wine and Design
    Echoes - The Grim Dealer

    Boarding Pass - Zandril S312
    Doubloon - Yeti For Hire
    Freakshow - Weedcough
    Ghoul Town - Darkprince909,
    WyvernZu, The 0micron
    Hellfire - Black Picture, WyvernZu
    Storms End - Preacher x21x
    Studio 17 - UnknownEmerald
    Backwoods - Auxi Klutch
    Black Friday - CommanderColson, (refresh - Auxi Klutch, The 0micron)
    Drillsite - PA1NTS Malignant - Nitroo
    Nerve Center - Randy 355
    Power Installation 484 - I Crush All (refresh - The 0micron)
    R.I.P.Tide - Spine Crush3r
    Station Zulu - HomeWorldHero, (refresh - Darkprince909)
    The Crypt - WyvernZu

    Whitecell - Chronmeister
    Orion II - Black Picture
    Pegasus II - Pwn Jones

    Super fiesta
    Battle Creek - Creative Force
    Prisoner - Whats a Cesar
    Hang 'Em High - ANEVILSPAR7AN
    Chill Out - DarkPrince909, Chef Linguini
    Damnation - N3gat1veZer0
    Rat Race - Vincent Torre

    Action Sack
    Minotaur - soft sharp
    Tank World - Home World Hero
    Mongoose Sumo - TurbTastic
    Ground Pound Arena - zzSOzz
    Prop Hunt - JoeAct20
    Rift Ball - FlamminGrunt
    Blok Pit - TimeDipper
    Freight - DU3L MAUL3RS
    Husky Raid - ARB1E
    Mantis Breakout - MorsLupus
    Paintball - Noble Forger
    Snowball Fight - GrayMuffinBass

    The Arbiters Court - guss
    Bloodsport - Nitroo
    Blue vs Red 2003 - JA50N 0, The222v, ImDahUnicorn
    Crows Court - xNFx Monsta (old GT), RBG Persian
    Frontier - CaptainPunch374
    Grifball Court (Sidegrinder) - NOKYARD
    Grif Temple - Caustic Kirby
    High Charity - Darkprince909
    Sandwhich - Darkprince909
    Skylark - DU3L MAUL3RS
    Underpass - Katanga
    Amnatus Angels - NOKYARD
    Galvanic - v Atlantis
    Hive Charity - darkprince909 & Rabid Hogs
    Scorched Guardians - KickinAss Emos
    So Below - NOKYARD
    Steel Yard - SexyMasterChief & DEATH WEAPONxx
    Sunset Beach - OutlawSkot33
    Vadums Triumph - NOKYARD
    The Yard - Randy 355 & Creative Force

    Absolute - Black Picture
    Apparition - Warholic and Sethiroth
    canal - Classy Moth and Vorked on some Man's Back
    Dead Center - Solo XIII
    Epicenter - Chunk and Xandrith
    Havoc - Sethiroth
    High Rise - Randy 355
    Overpass - Solo XIII
    Pylon - DarkPrince909
    Simulation - Beserk on XBL and Lil Black Bubba

    Halo 3 Classic Throwback
    Ghost Town-Darkprince909
    Citadel- no god anywhere
    The Pit-Foge
    Boundless-Foge and Kabe
    Highground-Foge, D3lta V, Portaleer, D4rkDeath, NZ07, Sarizon, Yemudas Beegbut, RunNokyardRun, BaconMedia, TheRunnerUp 32, For Chub, Kabe, Darkprince909
    Narrows - AgelitoCO, Portaleer, Foge
    Epitaph - TheDarkkSkull, Foge, Portaleer
    Construct - nogodanywhere, Foge
    Foundry - BaconMedia
    Assembly - Fame28

    I wish we could get more 4v4s in matchmaking just as much as anyone else, but we cant argue that there is not a lack of forge maps in matchmaking.
    #26073 Foge, Mar 22, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  14. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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    Obviously a lack of memorable forge maps in MM then.

    Just having parodies of old Halo maps is kind of meh.
  15. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I guess i shouldve thought a bit more about the title. The thread describes what i mean, though.

    The competitive maps in matchmaking are only there because 343 didnt ship maps for their respective playlist: BTB, Breakout/Extermination

    Infection, Action Sack, and Griffball are the type of content theyre fine with, because they are more casual playlists.

    Besides that, we have a ton of remakes.

    Its ridiculous, honestly. People should be upset about that. 343 and whatever forge community members that are supposed to bridge the gap (ex Cartographers?) have done a disservice to the community as a whole.
    Buddy Jumps, Yevah, Xandrith and 7 others like this.
  16. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
    Forge Critic

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  17. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Unless you're trying to push this idea for 6, nothing is going to happen otherwise. 343 is scared to add originals into comp rotation for a few reasons, most of which are simply because they're too lazy to QA test them before implementation.
    CertifiedChamp likes this.
  18. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
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    H5 is the worst competitive game ive seen in years, so i dont see the fuss about comp forge maps in MM
  19. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    They mustve been too lazy to QA test half the maps shipped with the game, too.

    Senior Member

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