You should fear the man who has 10,000 unfinished maps when they get 10,000 pieces That man would be Salty. The Halo dog has had its day
I've loved Google for like...ever. Been buying Android since the Droid 1 came out, got lots of Nexus phones. Bought the Google Pixel 1 when it came out a year ago, was so stoked that Google finally had their own premium product that I bought it straight from their store. Paid $1180 for it all up front. Started endlessly bootlooping last Monday, 2 months out of warranty. They continually insist that they can't do anything about it although I know that's not the case. They sent me to authorized repair shops (nearest was an hour away), they couldn't fix it. Sent me to another repair shop (half an hour past that one, about 75 miles out at this point) who tells me that the ****ing motherboard is bad. Told me it's $650 to buy a new motherboard from Google and install it. I call Google and say I'm not paying an additional $650 on top of the initial $1180 phone that's only a ****ing year old. A motherboard failure, on a smartphone. Talked to like 4 different supervisors who eventually forwarded me to THEIR manager. Said they're not willing to do anything for me but "They value my business!" I literally despise Google.
You guys remember back in reach when every single gunfight ended up being an armor lock fight? That super cringe "God this is stupid" feeling? That's how I feel about fortnite building. That's all.
When a game breaks almost every record ever set for a video game, I don't think we have to pay any attention to the people who think it's stupid. That's all.
Im currently working on my first map (I don't count my CW Map, tbh it was just to test my cannon and lets be honest, most C.W. Maps play more or less the same) Now it's about the first "real" Slayer / Stronghold / CTF Map. Anyway, I had this picture in my head how the map would look for a long time and like 50% of the work is done, but now I realize that it won't work because there is no way that I wouldn't blow up the 1600 object limit in the end. Now I have to make a lot of cuts and change some of the structures entirely to make it work. Right now I feel like Bungie before releasing Halo 2. Please excuse my bad english, still have to improve. Anyway, once I progress further, I would like to share some pictures of the map in this thread
Your English is already better than half of the native English speakers on this website, so good on you. Looking forward to the pictures.
Obviously it's not a perfect correlation, but yes. Generally speaking, if a game is super popular, it's more than likely of a high quality. That doesn't mean that everyone will like it. I don't particularly like Gears of War but I recognize its quality as the best cover based game and a generally well made third person shooter.
I agree about GoW. But isn't Fortnite a free game? That boosts player counts like crazy probably. Haven't played it though. Maybe it's superfun I dunno.
Being free definitely helps get players to try your game, but honestly quality is quality. Unless the game is overpriced or poorly run post-launch, people are generally willing to buy. Especially when streamers and Youtubers are broadcasting like a 24/7 TV commercial. Just look at pubg. The game broke the record for concurrent players at 3.2 million and Fortnite broke that record at 3.4. That's really not that big of a difference even though Fortnite is free, run WAY better, and a more entertaining game to most of the people I've seen compare the two.
Complain? I just asked the popularity/quality question. Could be about Candy Crush or The Last Jedi. It really doesn't matter. I have no opinion about Fortnite because I haven't played it.