Also doing anything Xandrith tells you to do (unless it involves castles) is a sure fire way towards disaster can anyone offer a suggestion for a counter to deathpit corner? watching Forged Friday stream and the majority of the action takes place fighting over that hill and ignored the backroutes - very easy to just sit there and scope the rest of the map for the whole match
Wow, I've just finished DOOM. Man it was crazy. So fast, intense and smooth af. Great graphics, music, sound and art direction. Multiplayer any good or nah..?
1) the rest of the map is very exposed and terraces inwards which make it basically impossible to cross safely and 2) that area has a wall to its back without a teleporter flank like the other side Basically any pathing through the middle might as well not exist because of how open everything BUT the cave side is. It's fine to have open areas like that and I even suggest having space like that in Halo 5 maps, but when it's 1 of only 2 ways to cross the entire playspace, you can bet nobody will use it. On another note, I wouldn't be so quick to implement changes after feedback, even from myself. Let things play out for a few more games before you make any decisions, and you'll likely learn more than you would have if you didn't wait.
You and Excutioner need to team up and take down @MultiLockOn and @Xandrith on Casa Su Casa. Xandrith came around to the dark side and can now tolerate the map haha. I was playing like dog last night and we lost to them on it but wrecked them on swagger up. Good times.
If anything I would move power weapons away from cave side, so people have to leave it to do anything. Like Multi said, multiplayer was DOA. If you expect something fast and frentic and fun like the campaign, then you won't like it. For some reason (even ignoring the loadouts) the multiplayer just doesn't feel the same, and it isn't very satisfying.
I'm surprised they're still open considering its been 40-50 degrees the last 3 weeks or so. btw Cascade is way better
Yes, yes it is But Alpine has a better terrian park and is an hour and a half closer to me so it wins. That's wild youve been to both haha small world, we may have crossed paths boarding and never knew lol
Yeah I for shore see the problem with the openness being a disservice to flow, but there are at least 3 other pinch routes to choose from both offensively and defensively - maybe moving all the weapons / making one much more desireable than another is the right idea Idk I saved a 1.1 version with a couple geometry updates and spawn changes, so I'll compare those
Moving weapons is a band-aid fix. Ideally, you want the map to work based on its geometry. It's a bad habit to rely on weapons to change where players go, because it doesn't really fix the problem, and can easily even make it worse.