Please try again. Haha no but really you have to surround the entire upper area of the map and anywhere you don't want a player to go with invisible blocks. Like cover the entire area above the map and all rocks and everything. I know its a pain but it is a necessity. Within a minute of loading up the map I did this and this I actually really enjoy playing on this map, so if you need any help with anything at all on this map please let me know, I would be more then happy to help.
@HeX Reapers i cant seem to watch the past broadcast for your channel. I missed when amenity was played. The mixer app sucks compared to twitch
Carbide is now finalized (bar some weapon tuning). Thanks to Foge for the lighting help! Here are some images of the new lighting in the foundry area. Here's another image.
@xzamplez your map was my favorite out of all of them. It felt really nostalgic IN BE4 ppl come at me lol Ppl were complaining about Nades but I personally feel that’s what made it so enjoyable Good job
@Studbeasttank Looks much better with that lighting. Still is kinda bland color and theme wise (and that is totally fine, especially if you were going for that), but it definitely looks better.
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