" BEIJING, Nov. 1 -- The recent deaths of two net gamers have once again raised the issue of the impact of addiction on the online gaming community, and the health risks involved. A young girl nicknamed "Snowly" died last month after playing the online game "World of Warcraft" for several continuous days during the national day holiday. Snowly's friends, who share the same game community, say that Snowly was a very diligent member and a key official of their community, who was always connected to the Internet. Several days before Snowly's death, the girl was said to be preparing for a relatively difficult part of the game and had very little rest. She told her friends that she felt very tired. A big online funeral was held for Snowly one week after her death. But the event was sadly overshadowed by the death of another game enthusiast nicknamed "Nan Ren Gu Shi". Thereafter, several online game communities have posted announcements to urge their members to pay attention to their heath. Meanwhile 7 major domestic game makers have agreed to install an anti-obsession system on eleven online game products. The system entered a trial period on October 20." kinda crazy. i dont see how they would make an "anti-obsession system" seems kinda for fetched doesn't it? aaanyways, i play warcraft, not so much like i used to, but i still like the game :]
Yea this was the cover story, but did you hear about what happened during the in game funeral? A bunch of horde came through it and ganked every last funeral attendee. **** was brutal.. oh btw I'm pretty sure its on youtube
Yea, it was terrible that she died, just like that guy playing everquest, but its so awsome/terrible that the horde are big enough asshole, to have the audasity, if the horde existed irl they would be thier kings, I don't think that I could do that.
hah yea, at least we haven't lost any haloites(?) to the reaper, we're to pro I guess plus we get all the ladies/hotguys
woooooow...epic sadness...i've probably come close a few times honestly, staying up for 5 days in a row can't be great for u...lol...(only done it twice...) also, that is FRIGGIN AWESOME that the horde stormed the funeral, honestly, not the "rightous" thing to do, but BAH THAT IS SO LEGITAMITELY REALISTIC GO THEM! Do you think the irl horde would be all like "oh my goodness, look at that, their mage(or whatever) hath fallen, we shall respect the funeral, and not ravage their land" PSSSSH i dun think so!
If they play the game enough to damage their health, shouldn't they have noticed the, "Take Everything In Moderation, Even World Of Warcraft" or the "Remember to go outside of Azeroth with you friends too" Tip? Is it sad that I remember those still? haven't played in a long time....
LOL, i totally forgot all about that loading bar thingy, I haven't play WoW in like 3-4 months...but good point
World of warcraft is a crappy game anyway, and i think the anti-obssesion tool will be used the same way on the old xbox. Cept that was a parental control so you could only play 6 hours or less.
imo...you forgot to add imo (in my opinion) see...without in my opinion there, it sounds like all other opinions mean ****...
i love the game. i havent played in a while cause that **** costs money and what not, plus im much more into halo atm. but i'll always be a warcraft fan cause its the first "really hard game" ive ever played (according to an ex boyfriend) cause i was more of a Mario, Nintendo, playstation kinda person. i didnt know about all the mmorpg blah blah **** out there lol
lol, offtopic, but did u ever play frozen throne? that was the ****, until it got a little ridiculously laggy...
http://youtube.com/watch?v=0TSGUf1xbF8&feature=related vid of funeral and some kids attacking the funeral people.
I direct you to this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHJVolaC8pw Yes its sad but i personelly believe if someone plays that much and disregards their own health to do so,they brought it on themselves. Its not blizzards fault,its not teh interwebz fault,its not the "parents" fault or any of these other stupid arguments. Its the deceased's fault for having the sheer ignorance and foolishness to go without food/water/sleep to the point where their body gave out from exertion. Whats the real sadness is thoguh these have been happening for quite some time,they havent stopped,foolhardy people waste their lives playing TOO MUCH(im not against videogames here) of these things. And by the way,online funerals in the middle of pvp areas is just ****ing daft.Why dont you just put a big "kill me" sign up? That said,when you think about it a massive fight/gankfest really is the perfect send-off to someone who's entire life wrapped around that game EDIT: 666 posts!!!?? HELL YEAH IM NEVER POSTING AGAIN!
Oh. Mah. Gawd. THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! it makes me want to play again, don't think I actually will, but that was ****ING HILARIOUS!!! It is a really sad thing, someone dying irl, but that person brought it upon themself...and supa midget brought up a really good point, if you are going to hold a funeral, WHY THE **** would you hold it in pvp??? brilliant people...bloody brilliant...
Besides that video has kept people talking about her for 3 YEARS. If it had stayed peaceful people would have forgotten it by the next week.