We have McDonald's, BurgerKing and KFC. But to be honest I'm more of a restaurant/bar burger guy. Or homemade. Fastfood is like a last resort for me. Or drunk. Disgusting things tastes 5 times as good when you've been drinking. My wife loves it tho, every country we've been she just have to eat a BigMac and then evaluate it. Always. Now I think of it, I never had KFC. And it's awfully close lol.
Wendy’s 4 for 4 is great. Taco Bell’s $5 boxes are great. Burger kings 2 cheeseburgers & drink for 3.49 plus 10 nuggets for 1.39 is great. Carl’s Jr. $5.00 box with burger, chicken sandwich, fries, cookie, and drink are great. In a world where a double cheeseburger is a dollar and a salad is $8, it’s amazing I’m still alive.
There’s your problem right there! Catholicism is a cult. They have some crazy beliefs and traditions not supported by the Holy Bible. Jus sayin...
You think that's nuts? The only branch of the Christian faith that goes to church on Sabbath instead of Sunday (Which BTW, Catholicism started because Popes have that kind of "Power" to change) is Seventh Day Adventists. Bible says "To remember the Sabbath day. To keep it holy." We're one step ahead of everyone else.
ya i heard i could buy my salvation with 2 gold coins and that women shouldn't read catholics amirite?
See the problem is when people do exactly what you just implied we're wrong for not doing. Meaning uphold ultra rigorous fixed traditions that the bible itself doesn't even imply when read correctly. It's not about the rules or practice.
Remembering and keeping the Sabbath is the fourth commandment. The Ten Commandments are very clearly meant to be rules followed by God's people. We have the option to not follow, of course. We always have a choice
Again- I'm talking about your ultra strict interpretation. Christians should honor the Sabbath, whether that lies on Saturday or Sunday is frankly a stupid and irrelevant argument that I don't think an omnipotent God cares about. The intention behind that commandment was clearly about just finding time for God often.
Yeah you’re right you guys keep the sabbath for sure. Then confess your sins to a guy in a box (not biblical) and pray to Mary and a bunch of saints (not biblical) and biblical or not what is with the creepy chants? Lol and your funerals are brutal! Stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel, stand up, sit down, stand up, kneel. Then you guys try to pray the deceased into heaven from Purgatory (not biblical). You guys are way ahead of us.
They literally have a cow in the chicken to milk, then ferment into cheese. There's nothing more fresh in the world than in n out. The meat is literally shipped in every other morning. You can see the potatoes before they're cut into your fries . All the produce like lettuce and tomato is shipped every morning. Get out of here with your bullshit blasphemy. It will not be tolerated
As someone who lives in CA I can validate Multi's point, and also take this opportunity to remind the community that squirrels have been observed engaging in “deceptive caching.” This is where a squirrel digs a hole and vigorously covers it up again, but without depositing the nut. It seems this is done to throw off potential food thieves.
Let me clarify this. My mom was raised catholic but my father doesn't believe really, agnostic I would say. I wasn't dragged to church and only went when I wanted. My mom and grandparents went maybe 15 times a year and sometimes I went with her. It was my choice to do so. I thought it was fun and interesting till maybe 10 or 11 years old. And I think my mom hasn't been to church since then either. Maybe a handful occasions. I was as free as a bird to think about it what I wanted and to that I'm truly grateful. So take the 'I was raised catholic' with a grain of salt. I just wanted to point out I had some religious background.