I couldn't even said it better myself that last bit. But the 'I know what I need to know' boils down to religion meaning I don't have to dig deeper on the subject to find truth or purpose or reasons to believe or understanding etc. I don't think that is a contradiction. I see what is handed to me and I've concluded a long time ago I don't believe in it. And the how and why isn't important. I want to add two more things to this post and then be done with it. One, I think it's a common misconception to believe atheists don't know the topic at hand. Many have read the bible or were religious at some point or in some way. I think they actually do understand the whole concept, perhaps even more or better than some believers. And two, if by any means my choice of words upset anyone it I apologize. These topics are not made to discuss on the internet as we all have experienced one way or the other. Cheers.
Atheists don't exist. They only think they do. Mind blown? If you consider yourself an atheist, divide by zero. The answer will give you your answer.
I dont post here much anymore but i still read. Thought id go on a spiel and jump out again. Its true many atheists have gone through conversion through intense reflection of their beliefs but to say its a common misconception that atheists dont know the topic at hand is easily disagreeable. Matter of fact i'd say its quite the opposite. The amount of well versed of each group, atheist and theists, is surely coming to a vertex and society is beginning to have plentiful dumb ****s on both sides. Unfortunately atheists come to a point where they start claiming its "settled science" and would rather shut down debate than enter discussion. Again unfortunately, this trait seems to carry much more easily with areligious than it does with the religious and at societies expense its beginning to carry over into many other passionate areas of debate like politics. What i once thought were the morally sound and objective minds of society, atheists, have turned to the dumb ****s who just want to kick and scream about their feelings when someone offers facts. Who would of thought? Western culture is slipping into an areligious state and quite frankly im less hopeful now than i was before. Generations of religious indoctrination at least passes on certain creeds that are helpful to sustaining morals within society but only the second generation atheist who never experienced conversion and objective reflection lose essential critical thinking skills that should replace any creed they would otherwise have if they were religious. I was once an intense atheist. My name is NO GOD ANYWHERE. Now? I correctly label myself agnostic and id rather live in a religious society than with a bunch of ****ing atheists. Also @Soldat Du Christ it is weird how youre posting random **** in here. Youre a hundred times less nutty in a party. If anyone here thinks hes a random religious nut then i suggest you jump into a party with him. Hes actually got a great mind on his shoulders and its ALWAYS a pleasure having drawn out discussion with him on any topic.
Perhaps it's true about the misconceptions but I don't know how these things are in the US. I believe it is the most christian nation of the western world but it's all way different over here. It's hard to compare so let's not. Kicking and screaming atheists are a thing you find on the internet maybe? I don't really know what you mean by that. So you wouldn't want to live in our beautiful country where we put sprinkles on bread and have empty prisons?
Ewww you complimented me Also to debunk the "everyone is an agnostic" myth that purely and others have brought up, if i'm correct the saying is derived from the idea that we can't 'know' that God (or anything depending on how insane they are) exists either way... This is a cop out. It's An exuse to avoid digging deep into rigorous philosophical study on the fundemental questions of the topic at hand
The only reason I don't subscribe to any one side (be it atheist, agnostic or otherwise) is I don't want to be a bother. When I feel filled with holy spirit I tell it to go away. It's got enough on its representation of hands that I'd rather it be of use to someone else. It becomes a fairly enjoyable paradox because I'm constantly helping people, so it always barges back in haha. The same goes for when I get pangs of godlessness, so long as I still have the option to be the God I want I dismiss any adverse feelings towards the planet. Not that anyone asked, but yeah thats my opinion parked out front there. It's pretty nice.
Imagine you were God and 6 billion people all thought they knew you, but they all got it wrong. No one knows anything about God and what they might think they know is the result of hundreds of years of propaganda. If its a sin to lie, then religion is a sin. I believe in God, but i would never claim to speak for him or convert someone to a religion that i know cant be 100% accurate or true.
I'm much too worried about what I'm eating for dinner tonight to be concerned with what happens when I die.