Just sounds like anyone whose perception of God is still clouded by organized religion, outdated teaching, and "shoving it down your throat" indoctrination. But whatever, we already established before that these internet arguments always end up accomplishing nothing lol
@MULLERTJE I just read the "I know what I need to know" part, and I have to say, that's a very short sided and likely destructive deduction. It's fine if you don't think there is an afterlife or believe in religious ideas, but it is undeniable that we all need to learn and that nobody has it all figured out. Look into the delayed quantum choice theory or any study of additional dimensions if you want just one example. We can't even see half of the spectrum of light or hear certain pitches. If you look 18 inches away from someones face you can no longer make out their features and all your eyes can see is movement. Human beings are borderline inept in basically every conceivable manner and can't even begin to make sense of our experiences. What you would consider empirical "reality" is not only complex beyond our imagination, but it's bordering on incommunicable as a result of our incredibly limited senses. We know JUST enough to understand how little we actually know. Here's the thing. I believe in God. I believe in absolute truth and I believe that there is a design to everything, which explains a TON of stuff that would otherwise be a mystery. With that being said, existence is STILL an absolute mystery on almost every level. We barely even understand our own biology, not to mention consciousness or the inexplicable capacity for metaphysical experience. All we really have is our ability to learn, and to suggest that you don't need to learn is just plain silly. Now, I think that idea could be potentially destructive because it sounds eerily similar to what a psychologist would call "ideological possession" which basically describes a fragile state of mind wherein everything is already figured out and that there's nothing left to learn, only things left to do and people to convert. Seriously, it doesn't sound like you ever consider the possibility of being wrong or possibility of absolute, abject failure, but I'm sorry to say that you absolutely could be wrong and you absolutely are capable of failure. Just like me and everyone else. It's okay to be confident, but the second that your confidence reaches the point that you never even consider the threat of mistake, it has turned from confidence to arrogance, and that can spell bad things for you and the people around you. My suggestion to you would be to read the Bible or some form of theological literature. You don't have to believe in it, and hell, maybe you'll even believe in it even less than you do now when you're done reading. It's just healthy to expose yourself to opposing and new ideas. I implore you, just consider for a second that maybe our belief as Christians and the spiritual traditions of humanity can't all just be explained away come with one catch-all, single sentence argument. Maybe there's something more.
You begin this post very well but you end it pretty badly. To pretend you know anything of the way I see things, in relation to these topics that is. You cannot even guess my sources or interests, the people around me, this country, the way of life. It is very different of what you are used to, or exposed to. I was raised catholic but I have a scientific nature that was even nurtured by my parents, and my other surroundings. I've read many books on astronomy, biology, evolution, history, I always followed the evidence and this whole path of evidence led me to my belief, or lack of belief in this case. If someone believes that there's a lot more to learn it's me. I just merely adopted science as my way to go. Not bound by political boundaries, not bound by international borders. Just a way to change our ways to fit the facts the further we go, an ungoing process. To gather and spread knowledge. The days of 'I could be wrong' are well past me. I always think of a cop out when people say psychological or philosophical because it has so little merit. There's always many sides on these sort of viewpoints if you know what I mean. I honestly do like your post, for a 'young' fella you have some interesting insights on different things. Now let me sleep. Edit: you've reconstructed some parts of your last sentences so the 'you ended it badly' of my part has no real meaning anymore. Just saying. I have ofcourse read parts of it plus some juvenile stuff in school.
Pffff why would you assume I'm not your friend? I'VE HELPED YOU TEST MAPS AND THIS IS THE THANKS I GET? No but for real call on yo fellow cracker if you feel unfriendy
I just don't think it's important to me. Religion or personal beliefs isn't something I care about too much. So what he posted doesn't annoy me because he's challenging my beliefs. It annoys me because it's obnoxious to have people try to make everyone passionate about something just because they are. It's like if you are in a room full of people discussing their love for NASCAR and you don't give a **** about it. Don't take it personally @Soldat Du Christ my mom is a die hard Christian and I think she's annoying about it too lol. Edit: I don't mean just Christian beliefs either. That's any religious beliefs or spirituality, just not important to me.
It's reassuring to hear that you try and expose yourself to ideas rather than putting up walls, but then I remember that you said "I know what I need to know" which is a performative contradiction. I'm not trying to push buttons here but I truly believe that the best measure for what someone believes is how they act, not what they say they believe. In any case, I'm glad I was heard. One last thing - on the topic of psychology/philosophy: I think I understand what you mean by "cop-out" but something I would like to clarify is that both of these topics (when done right) can offer extremely practical and useful ideas. Especially psychology, because boiled down, it's the study of human behavior. It doesn't get much more pragmatic than that.
Remember that time I said warholic needed to be moderated? Did he get banned or something? Haven't seen him in awhile