
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, May 31, 2008.

  1. Saul Goode

    Saul Goode Ancient
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    ill download and test and leave u some feedback later.
  2. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    I remember playing on this map =D
    I can't remember who with though, I think it was 3v3 or 4v4?
    One thing I can remember is it was really fun =D
  3. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    I remember playing this map not so long ago, it was a great map.
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks awesome! I love your maps.
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looks pretty interesting i might just have to check this out.. congrats on your 1000 posts.. im just about to hit 200. :'( but i just started getting involved.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Cheers, I love making maps, the longest part seems to be the testing. But I havent any maps that I'm deep into, yet. I've got some Ideas and one map that I've started so expect my next map in a month or so.

    I barely used to post when I first signed up, like a few times a week but it built up, the more I looked through Forgehub, the more I liked it, the more I posted. But now that I've hit 1000, I think I've slowed down a little bit.
  7. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    this map looks great for team swat, im downloading
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    the map was very well put together, and it really lends itself to the gameplay of Turf from Halo2. The map has a fairly decent layout, and the vehicles dont get totally lost in the gameplay like in most foundry maps.

    Additionally, im also VERY happy to see my first Elimination based map. Finally something to mix it up a little. =]

    and happy birthday.
    #28 thesilencebroken, Jun 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  9. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I love the athstetics of the double boxed interlocked with the fence box...I need to incorperate that teqnique into my maps.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That was one of the first things to be added into the defenders side. It serves a purpose too. Because its an open double box and your able to shoot through fences, it can be a way to get that little advantage to drain their sheilds a tad with the ar, then go around and BR them.
    If anyone wants to play anything on Boulevard send me a msg. Either PM me or Msg me through Xbox, GT: Linubidix
  11. Kad

    Kad Ancient
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    lookin good. Congrats on your birthday btw
  12. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    it dun look like much of a boulevard lawl but its a sweet map anyway. Good job
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks pretty cool its hard to make a good seburban map and i think uv done it, the layouts very good and its very neat, the placement and use of weapons and vehicals is good and ill think ill dl this 1
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    HMMMMMMMMM. Disection time=]

    I love the Fence Wall floor section you did, as well as the square with Bridges. How big of a bump is there from the Stairs to that level of Bridges???

    Also, the Fence Box over the Double Box looks very pretty. The Doors that are merged in look beautiful as well. A couple of the shots gave the map that "towering" feel that I love to see in a map. The problem with a lot of Foundry maps is that they're so...average, for a lack of a better word. Constructing something that gives you that feeling of euphoria like, "Holy hell! Where am I?!?!" is what pushes a map to that beautiful 5/5 that linubidix certainly earns with this map. 'Grats, my friend!
    #34 dented_drum, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Okay, here is a response to a lot of comments.
    I wont respond to the bridges because I've already discussed that earlier.
    My 1000th post was still awesome great but wasnt epic, guess I'll have to work harder for my 2000th.
    The name: I wanted a a suburban name, so I thought of different names for streets eg: Street, Road, Lane, Alley but I rested with Boulevard.(If it were any of the others they would've been with another word)
    And yeah I wanted a map similar to Turf but in no way a remake of turf.
    And which fence wall do you mean?

    I wanted the middle lane to be a powerful postion, at the right time. If you are the first to reach the middle lane, you're set. Because in the middle lane there is 2 Plasma Nades, 1 BR, Camo and a Shotty with 0 clips. The camo spawn can be a good hiding spot. THe camo spawns right behind a forklift and when I'm dead and watching others, I've seen people walk right by it.

    That's exactly what I was going for, many escape routes. And I acheived that, almost all areas can be used to the player's advantage, if they know what they're doing.

    I acheived exactly what I set out to do, many spots where the player may feel like its a dead end but there's at least one way out. And seamless interlocking can never be a bad thing, I put thought into everything on the map.

    I actually havent tried one flag on it, I've been meaning to. It worked really well with assault. Again, as I've said, if you want to play anything with me, msg me. GT: Linubidix

    Yeah, I think we played it after TGIF a few weeks ago. Everyone else loved it too. This is my best map yet. And I am thrilled that it plays so well.

    Yeah, *Repeat reply to Reynbow*

    I never tried SWAT, tried most gametypes but I didnt try One Flag, SWAT, Infection and a few others.

    Yeah the vehicles arent devastating on this map. They dont play a major role but they can be quite powerful, that is if it with a capable driver.
    As I said, in the post I wanted to make something that worked really well for Elimination. But it worked well for pretty much anything.

    There were a few changes with weapons but originally I wanted a fairly basic weapon scheme. It works really well. Each team spawns near something powerful. And by that I mean they can be accessed within the first 10-20 seconds.
    Defenders - Laser, Oversheild, Brute Shot, Regen
    Attckers - Sniper, Warthog, tele to defenders' base and power drain.
    They both spawn near a set of frags, plamas and a carbine.

    There isnt much of a bump with the stairs going into the defenders base.
    I speant about 40 minutes getting those doors at the perfect height, they are just high enough to walk underneath, they are incredibly easy to jump onto and easy to get on top of the fencebox/doublebox. As I said everything was placed for a reason and serves a purpose for gameplay.

    Thanks everyone for your great comments. I am thrilled how this turned out.
    And I'm glad to know that nobody (so far) hates my map.

  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Wow, linubidix, this is definately your best map yet. I can remember some awesome elimination games on this, like when that kid talked for like twenty minutes on how good I was. My favourite feature of this map is it playability, it works well for all gametypes. I also love the tactics in this map, how as you said, almost every room has an escape route. I urge everyone to dl this you wont regret it.
  17. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the pics are a little confusing, but it seems like an awsome map
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Urban block, firefights, pwnage, what else do I need to say?
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    "I just DLed" lol.
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    wow set up for all gametypes. O.O thats amazing.. i bet it was apain in the ass

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