@icyhotspartin Checked out the map. Seems pretty cool man. Think you're finding a good median with your style. The roof on the uppermost floor of the main building should be a midge higher. You bonk your head on the beams.
Finally setting aside 10 hours to make this darn thing for the contest. I figure procrastinating till now with the approaching deadline of tomorrow will hopefully force me to make some crazy ****. Cheers.
Yeah I'm aware of that, you can actually get up there and do some pretty annoying **** currently, some serious polishing is in order - also the piece usage needs some updating and efficiency deletes, but glad you like it :$
All I see when I close my eyes is a napalm strike burning my neighboring village in Vietnam and stray tracer rounds zipping around my grass hut.
I'm hoping this map will support BTB. If anyone wants to check it out its called "Lineage." Its not playable yet, but I should have it ready in a few days. I still have a ton of art to add, but I want some feedback on the layout. I'm not really sure if its big enough. Hope to test it with you guys soon!
WIP/ started work on a horror map, based around swamps and shanties. This is the first building (communications centre whilst a lot of the map is set outdoors. To note, cieling blue light has a horror 2.00 animation rather than being a still light. Most of the base interior is done and ready for detailing. Would appreciate so,e feedback in terms of anything, I've been mainly focusing on lighting and composition.