(DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY DISTURBED) Doesn't beat the deep website that Spoiler sold amputated children with hoola hoops implanted in place of appendages as sex toys. Oh yeah they were blinded and deafened too. Still ****s my mind to this day
A scripted prefab for a rotating dual light. built for someone in particular, but not super secret technology, so I thought I would share Have at it. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/ExTerrestr1al/video/44279158 https://www.forgehub.com/maps/rotating-dual-light-smooth-motion.6086/
I'm trying to find more in-depth content on texturing, lighting, and using the node editor. I'lI poke around this weekend and see what's out there.
you mean, "conspiracy theories", don't you ;P cuz a conspiracy is any time two or more people collude to commit a crime, and that happens literally every second of every day, let alone in centers of power
it's not your fault, it is literally an Orwellian style trick to confuse the masses into believing two terms are the same so that discussion of one immediately impacts discussion of the other. They even talk that way on the news now too... in popular parlance, the two terms are being completely merged/fused together and it is a very intentional act.
ahaha thanks to Jew Abrams and the liberal media, Star Wars is dead Because criticizing poorly written characters - most GLARINGLY OBVIOUS REY SUE WHO HAS DONE ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOTHING TO EARN HER POWER - and the nonsensical storytelling full of tropes and plotholes means we are threatened by women. **** off.
After spending a year writing a story with 3 female leads, I can't even put into words how personally insulted I am by ignorant comments like that. Writing good characters is hard, but you have to try even harder to look at the cast of TLJ and handwave away poor fanfic writing riddled with the worst tropes by claiming all of the criticism is sexist. There aren't even Olympians who can do that kind of gymnastics. Daisy Ridley is cool but her character Rey might be the worst female character in modern film in a long time. AND IT WOULD BE NO DIFFERENT IF SHE WAS A HE BECAUSE THE CHARACTER DOESN'T EARN ANYTHING
What do you mean when you say TLJ was written like a poor fanfic? I hear many people say this criticizing the film but give no good explanation. The only part of the movie I can say I disliked was Fin's adventure. Everything else was a solid 8/10