GT: SPACE ORK 02 Map Name/Link: ORK 02_6dbc918c-d219-4668-8c1f-87ee5db7ac56 Gametype/link: ORK 02_1b805f8c-262b-41d8-9068-31862740c67c Player Count: freeforall 16-16
GamerTag: D4rkDeath, but map by Delta v Map: Risen update mm sb Game type: Big Team Slayer Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Description: Testing spawns, weapons, and changes for MM for wasp balance and cover balance.
GamerTag: Squally DaBeanz Map: Hinterlands Game type: Big Team Stringholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: DaBeanz_90f24b03-5c20-4f95-ba6b-2a8c0e692220 GameType Link: Description:
Map name . Nautical dawn Slayer 4v4 wip Link..
GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Krakken v12.7 Gametype: BTB CTF Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Krakken GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Ossuarium Gametype: BTB CTF Player Count: 16 GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII Map: Raptors Nest Gametype: Avian Flu Player Count: 16
The map takes any team based game type and turns it into a strategic mini game. I repeat. This is a strategic mini game, not a run and gun map. The light bars on the floor indicate an open door, or a door about to open. Use strategy to place yourself accordingly. Gamertag: runNOKYARDrun Map Name/Link: Keyhole Nine-25 Gametype: King of the Hill Player Count: 4v4 (yes, this was inspired by Star Wars)
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map name: race Gametype name: race Map link: Gametype link: Playercount: as many as you want/have. 16 should be fine
GamerTag: el Dunco Map: Skidmark Gametype: Dungoose Dash Player Count: 16 Map Link: Dunco_ae39f5bd-e17e-4705-b53a-3291a841f704 GameType Link: Dunco_d10e34aa-db2c-4154-8e45-8650a3c6b72f Description: tell executioner he is dog ****
Gamertag: OutlawSkot33 Map 1: Penitence Gametype: Grifball Pro (runNOKYARDrun has in his file browser) Players: 4v4 Fixed intro cam 1. Brightened court with point lights. Does it improve player visibility? Map link: Map 2: Rat's Platform Bravo-2 Gametype: Grifball Pro Players: 4v4 Finishing of an idea from the Grifball contest days. Looking to see if spawns work correctly, looking for any frame rate problems on OG Xbox One or One S console, and court boundry smoothness. Map link: Map 3: Delta Ganetype: Grifball Pro Players: 4v4 Looking for any frame rate drops. Had a couple complaints from the Grifball hub community but couldn't narrow anything down. Map link:
Gamertag: Daeklaw Map Name: Castle Wars Pirates Gametype: Castle Wars 2.0 (presented by 343) Player Count: 8vs8 Short description: Castle Wars with AI Cannons in each base - You have to fire them manually, the activators are on the left side. Updated the positions of the cannons a little bit, the rocks should hit the players more often now. Link to Map: Gametype Link (If needed):
GamerTag: D4rkDeath Co-Forgers?: weeeeemann Map: Ancestor Gametype: Big Team Assault Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Description: Different spawning test in addition to assault
GamerTag: D4rkDeath (actual map by D3lta V, but use my file) Map: Risen MM Update Wraith Gametype: Big Team Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Description: Trying a Wraith instead of wasp test.
GamerTag: Squally DaBeanz Map: Hinterlands Gametype: Big Team Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: DaBeanz_90f24b03-5c20-4f95-ba6b-2a8c0e692220 Description:
GT: Skyward Shoe Map: Riparian Gametype: Strongholds Players: 8 Link: Shoe_50fa2037-27bb-4ec8-a6e0-5b710b5ead00
Map 1 Name: Echoes MM V2 Gametype: Big Team Strongholds Link to Map: Link Looking for feedback in regards to performance and Stronghold interaction Map 2 Name: Flipyap Ressurection (temp title) Gametype: Capture the Flag Link to Map: Link -Scaled down both bases and revised their layout -Adjusted lines of sight in the back half of the map near Stage -Redesigned what used to be Red/Blue Alley to be an actual room with another path up to Stage
Map: Lineage Gametype: 4v4 Slayer and 4v4 Strongholds Note: This map is really big and im trying to determine an optimal player count. If you get a chance to test it twice, please run 4v4 slayer first to see the pace and if its too slow, please make the 2nd game 6v6 Slayer instead of 4v4 Strongholds.
GamerTag: Duke of Mearl Co-Forgers?: Map: ATN Crossfire Arena Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 8 Map Link*: Mearl_3b95704e-e808-48f9-986c-be4a90b195ed GameType Link: You have it Description: Lacking aesthetics (a few are in place). Want to see how it runs. Took a breakout map (Crossfire) and altered it to see if it can play extermination well. Looking for feedback on spawning, size, gameflow, etc. (everything but aesthetics). Intro cameras not in place yet
Gamertag: TimeDipper Map Name: Dispelled (v2) Game Type: Big Team Assault, 16 Players Map Link: [HaloWaypoint] Short Description: Spawns have been redone to allow more spawns near or in the team base rather then by the neutral structures. Weapon tweaks.
GamerTag: Duke of Mearl Co-Forgers?: Pat Sounds Map: Ecalos Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 8 Map Link*: ECALOS LINK GameType Link: You have it Description: Pat has done some work on the visuals and want to see how some weapon changes and visual changes alter game play