Just a couple things because there is a lot and I am still not very far into it and I am that guy that jumps around based on what is peaking my curiosity at the moment. I really like the way the trials that people face within it repeat themselves with later generations. They may not be exact but there is a fairly clear symbolic similarity between them. I also like how Jacob tricking his brother and father leads to his uncle doing similar things to trick him. Because it shows the importance of reconciliation. I am still going through it though. I never went to church ever so my exposure to the bible has always been relatively light. But I have always liked books that have clear messages and lessons to teach whether it be fiction or not. If you have any recommendations for me as something to dig into a bit deeper in it, let me know.
I ashamed to admit i stopped reading page to page once i got to Numbers (where God is dividing the tribes), lol. And from there i know only few of the other books like ecclesiasties and job, the former being my favorite in the OT Lately i have been studying the extrabiblical evidences of the OT like the Ark, babelon, and ao forth. To me it's the ultimate joy to see the remnents of history littered throughout the middle east that validate the Bible Noahs Ark seems to have been found, also there are these large stones littered throughout the larger mesopotamia area, they are believed to be anchor stones which helped ballence the ark during it's course and 1 by 1 where cut as the flood calmed. Echings on the various stones depict several crosses, one cross with a loop (maybe this is where the egyptian ank came from) and the tower of babel
We kind of went opposite ways because I was very much into what many considered forgotten history and in turn it got me interested in Religion as a whole.
How dare you say our Lord and savior's name in vain! Repent and bow to the One True Spaghetti! heathen!
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/icyhotspartin/video/44188917 Here's a walkthrough as of 10pm last night - it was recorded prior to 'completion', so there are some differences between it and the 'finished' product
yeah.. i mean, it's tough to make anything work in this game, let alone terrain ramps with the kinds of shaders they have on them
At first it sounds like you're saying that our purpose is to repent. Do we live a life continually repenting until we get to heaven? But then it sounds like repentance is just one step in the journey and our purpose is to do God's will. I'm not trying to pick on you, I'm just trying to understand viewpoints that are different than mine. And I can't tell with the way you've worded it if we actually differ. I believe our purpose is to honor and worship God. Not in a "bow down to me" "chained on a lease" kind of worship. But through a relationship with Him with communication and love, by treating the rest of His creation the way he demonstrated for us when He came to Earth as Jesus.
There's probably more ground to walk on in this map than all your previous ones combined lol. Lookin' pretty cool though. Keep at it
There are a few channels I found that are pretty good. Just depends on what your wanting to learn. If your just starting out and wanting to get a good run down or you trying to get that mega detailed info about unreal.