That looks like a bottom dwelling fish ripping itself from a nightmarish plane of existence. I'm sure it's delicious though
It's just another way of saying the ad hoc 'repent', that is to say; turn away from our sin and instead turn to god. Alot of outsiders find religous lingo polarizing and unrelatable, so i try to use synonyms whenever possible to bridge that gap And i'm not sure i make it more obvious than genesis has already.. It seems pretty clear to me at least, that that there a difference in objective before and after the fall. We have to first be make perfect again before we can do Gods will the way he wants us to
Q: What is the meaning of life A: Spoiler: 42 Spoiler: 42 = * Spoiler: * = anything the meaning of life is anything you want it to be Spoiler Don't Panic
From a purely humanistic standpoint, your life matters. You can tilt the world towards good or you can tilt the world towards evil with every decision you make. The average person will get to know about 1000 people in their lifetime. If you effect those 1000 people, and those people each also effect 1000 people, you've effected 1 million people. Take it one step further and it's a billion. It's a harsh realization that everything you do as an individual matters, but it's one we need to understand and not be complacent towards. As far as spiritual matters go... It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgement.
If the dot on this "i" is our sun the whole of the United States is roughly the diameter of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Not your living room, not your town and not your state, almost your whole country. And the sun seems huge but he isn't even that special. A pretty average, small and boring star. Let that sink in for a minute.
What if our universe is just a spark from a celestial being lighting their fart on fire and were just a poop particle floating through this crop dusting we call life?