Yeah. That one's not quite perfect is it. It suffered a lot due to me getting bored of it and the fact it's hugely overscaled (It wouldn't play as well scaled properly I guess, though the overscaling wasn't intentional). Was going to go back to it but then the better version was released by punisher. Ariamis and Firelink are probably my only accurate remakes but I still got plenty other maps themed after dark souls areas.
Yeah, I've got what you need. 4 shot Magnum, classic movement, limited sandbox. The best way to play Halo 5, don't @ me Check out my file share, look for maps & gametypes with the word "Evolved" next to them, and have at it. Here's a link! S0UL FLAME S0UL FLAME
Doing 5 minutes of research you'll figure out that El Dewrito actually has mod support. Surprising right? You can tune aesthetic stuff any way you want. An updated H3 weapon and armor mod will launch along side 0.6. They do not plan to make these things default as they want to stay in the gray area with Microsoft as much as possible. If you seriously denounce this game because of that I frankly think you don't deserve to play it anyway. EDIT: @Xandrith Hitmarkers are a server-side toggle and won't be enabled on any official servers.
If you're all hopping over to ElDewrito, 110% damage on the green DMR is a 3SK. And it has less spread than the BR.
It's nice to known the mod will launch along side it, I never thought about it that way, it makes complete sense. Knows/video/43803347 Cool clip I got during 2v2s We played evolved settings after and honestly everyone should just forge for classic settings It was actually a lot of fun, 4SK pistol was great It was weird too, like I actually had to put thought into where I positioned myself. No get out of jail free cards like spartan charge, sprint, ground pounds, thrust, clamber, stabilize. Almost like old times