Ok everyone! Time for HeX's informational tip of the day: Really it comes down to human nature. It's pretty clear that 343 has a different perception as to what is ideal and what isn't. Because of that, we have understand that they will fight for their side rigorously if we coat our feedback with backhanded comments and drive-bys. Narrowing it down a bit, but if you were to say "This is **** because of x and y..." they are very likely to feel attacked and might discard your ideas as hateful rather than passionate. Just like if you were to do this while arguing, naturally the other person would judge you more on your tone rather than your message. If you were to cut out the nonsense and explain your reasoning point-by-point, they might just be more willing to hear you out. For example, "While I see where you were coming from when you did x, I personally do not think it translated as well as y..." Word choice goes a long way, especially when giving feeback. Just remember, put your information on the table, not in their face. And that's HeX's informational tip of the day, thanks for listening!
Tone or word choice is irrelevant. Does the community really need to sugar coat their beliefs after two years? Seeing this franchise going down the drain is painful.
We've been saying to strengthen the utility weapon for 14 years. We've been saying no sprint for 8 years. At some point, I'm not going to bother retyping the same tired novel that's been explained literally thousands of times by now.
Picked up Doom again. So intense going berzerk on these demons. 'Hurt me plenty' is pretty challenging if you ask me.
You have to realize this company is not made up of "us", only a select few, one of them being kicked out as he was coming through the door with his luggage. Most of these people aren't even Halo fans, and for that reason they have developed very different outlooks throughout their own seperate careers. Sometimes you have to stoop to their level, even if it's clear that they are wrong. Not saying they should be talked to like children (even though personally I think they all deserve to be at this point). Quite the opposite, rather. Honestly I think if everyone was Fayvn we'd be at a much better understanding with 343.
I'm just saying constructive novels of feedback can and should be harsh. Fans are emotional and hey, it's the internet. I think they're capable enough what to take seriously and what to take for granted. But being an insulting moron doesn't help anyone. But that is common sense.
I finally muster up the balls to start investing, and the market has one of the worst weeks in the last couple years. Fortunately ive diversified my portfolio quite a bit, so my losses arent huge, but still.
@MultiLockOn @MULLERTJE I say we kill them with kindness, they're pretty insecure, right? What if we make them feel like children to the point of actually forcing themselves to sit down and reevaluate their entire focus. Nah, **** it, waste of time. Anyway, It's ok to be critical, reminding them of their faults is pretty necessary in most cases. Calling them names out of frustration, though? While it may be funny, it tends to hurt the point you might be trying to make. So yeah I'd have to agree, there's a pretty noticeable line between a critical response and passive aggressive sarcasm.