This is actually a good idea. We shld create a squatters "crtique"(cleverly worded complaints)of 343i Thread and keep it on the the main page until H6 launch! As long as our complaints are well thought out thoughts and enough of us post, they will have no choice but to keep it there. Waypoint is dead, 2-5 post a day MAX will keep it up. We just need 20ish different unique IDs to get it rolling
True, but most videos don't mention average ttk vs perfect. Amazing to see a video that actually focuses on this.
Saying things in voice and in person are much, much more effective than typing. No matter how detailed you get. If anything, the detail that comes with typing puts people off. I've found that just about the most powerful way to get my points across are through comedy. If you make a joke about how Destiny 2 feels like you pulled open your teammates pants, placed your balls inside, and snapped the waistband shut, people understand what you mean. Destiny 2 lacks individual empowerment and forces you to play an inch from all 3 of your teammates or you lose. At that point you can explain in greater detail and people will listen. Especially if the joke made them laugh.
I swear if I didn't hurt my back I wouldn't even bother with this BUT... Since the other layout I posted won't be touched... I may as well at least try to finish this one Ghost Town theme from halo 3...sorta I changed a few tiny things So the lighting isn't baked because it looks like I'm in a ****ing sand pit if I do, SO IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO HELP THAT WOULD BE GREAT And yeah just gotta clean it up and **** Knows/video/43442138 EDIT: You can thank salty for the MONKEYS
I do the same **** when I talk to post-modernists about ****. They get really thrown out of wack especially when you throw a compliment in here or there over something trivial that doesn't have anything to do with main point you are discussing. They don't know what to do when you don't fling **** back at them.