Lol I thought I was being pretty chill about things, but once again I appreciate your insight. I'll post more once I'm out of work but I'll try and reiterate quickly that I'm content with my pace and where I am now. It's almost like you guys have seen me break down emotionally in waywo before. Oh wait.....
You're right but crying, having a mid-life crisis, and throwing pity party comments around is just ****ing retarded. Despite the competitive nature of the Forge community it's still just a video game. Here is my advice...aim for better than perfect but don't get down on yourself when you fail because at least you tried something impossible.
@qrrby You're way too hard on yourself man. You've been forging for how long? Look at designers on here that you look up to and strive to be as good at, and look what they were making even a couple years into doing it. It took people who have been doing this for a while so long to even get the basics down. Like someone else said, it's all about iteration, and there's only so much that other people can teach you. A lot of it is trying something new and seeing if you can make it work or not and taking that and applying it to your next project. I started forging when Foundry came out for Halo 3 and I made so many shitty maps on Foundry. So many, and to this day I can only really look back on one of those and not laugh at how bad it was. Keep on truckin' man. Your last map Vizere showed a lot of promise, it was much more daring of a design than I would've attempted early on in my forging career. That shows that you've got talent and you're inventive enough to break out of simple design molds. You're willing to take risks, and taking risks teaches you so much more than making safe designs does.