Dont change your responses after Ive already replied. I have been drinking by the way, but thats no excuse
I haven't forged/designed a goddamn thing in 4 months (yes the site is a better place without shitty topdowns yes yes hahahahahaha) but holy cow I wrote a book and made Israeli food and played the blues with 70 year olds at a bar and its been a great time I can't wait to share it all with you after my midterms end
Im easily impressed in the short term, but really hard to please in the long term if that means anything.
Forge has to stay something i do for fun. The moment it starts to feel like work, i have to leave it alone. Level design is a passion that has lasted longer than any other for me, and i dont want to ruin that. I have a playable 1v1 map, but i havent been on halo in a few months to work on it. Maybe ill get some progress on it sometime soon, who knows.
Well, if you arent excited enough about it to warrant finishing it, I wouldn't bother. I think there are very few of us who actually get what making a 'NEW" map means and you are one of them. I would like to see you continue to use this community to help yourself get better like we all need to.
I'd be doing a lot more but the last time I designed and built anything that meant a lot to me as an artistic endeavor and achievement Spoiler: caution - salt ahead I went through the closest thing to a divorce as I ever want to experience
if it only meant something to you as an artistic endeavor, then mission accomplished I guess. You have the potential. See it through
Well, sorry to say, but growth takes discomfort, and you are way too comfortable in your skin. With this tool, we all have the ability to dazzle the **** out of anyone we want and you are completely capable of that
i will be - just gotta let the wounds heal, you know? hard not to associate the art and hobbies I enjoy as the wedge that drove the two of us apart that said, the map was also a technical achievement @ExTerrestr1al
Oh ****. Yeah, thats too bad bro. My wife has given me **** plenty of times for being more obsessed with this than her, but it all balances out in the end if you are with the right woman. Your lady has to let you make your mark. I get its just a hobby, but you have to be good at something you enjoy, even if you dont get paid.
hahaaaaaaaaaaaa it's a long story but, yeah, basically - myopic, unnecessary, and ultimately more destructive because of neglect than anything else
Its interesting to see this side of you lol The map isnt the reason i havent gotten progress on it. The map is an excercise to mix up my creation process, whilst applying what i learned from the 1v1 contest. I am happy with it, i just dont want to forge right now. Im not sure what you mean by “NEW” tbh
You feel sorry for yourself too much and need to use that wasted energy on actually making something different and very asymmetrical.