Nga gave me a free code he got with his ds3 copy... I love how deliberate the combat is, and omg the level design! My expectations were high and i was not disappointed. One thing that gets on my nerves is how retarded some of the boss fights evolve into... I won my first attempt at the tutorial boss by hanging out near the guys crotch to avoid his hitbox and strafing behind him, attacking when there was an opening. so no big deal, at least it kinda made sense. I then failed multiple times against the dark knight mini boss even by practical means of luring him out into an open area and trying to avoid his attacks and waiting for openings. Once i found out his attacks where mostly jabs i lured him up to the top of the spiraling snipe tower and then back down again, like a complete idiot all his hits went right over my head and i was able to finish him. The metal knight guarding the door to basin can be led to a door frame where his ai pathing isn't scripted so you can just lead him in and out while he runs back and forth like an idiot and you can gradually weaken him. Then the demon on the tower is probably the most retarded so far... hang out next to his crotch while the camera spazes out and his attacks miss you then scramble up the ladder multiple times for an easy kill. At least the dragon tail gets destroyed eventually so you can't completely kill him spamming arrows unchallenged I don't deny that it feels good to improvise in order overcome seemingly impossible odds, and i'm sure some of these are design choices, the ladder tower for example. But it's simply unintuitive and anti-climactic. You can check my dvr i recorded a few of the examples listed anyways i'm looking forward to the infamous blight town
yes i have the master key and i haven't latched on to any of the enemy names so i'm not sure who you're talking about, the metal knight guy was at the bottom of a tower, besides that i'm not sure
Ds1 level design only gets better just wait . The black knights aren't even mini bosses they're just normal mob enemies, just learn to parry you'll be fine. The timing is pretty lenient in ds1 for it, eventually you'll be doing it like 10x in a row without failing. You probably got lucky rng with the taurus demon right on the bridge, when you climb up the ladder he can jump up to you to the tower top. But yes, have fun with dog **** blight town .
yeah still struggling with parry, and there is actually a generous amount of down time before he jump, enough to get a estus flask in before you jump, i did it 4 times in a row lmao
go look at that dvr clip i posted last page, the well in firelink, that would be sooo cool if it was a shortcut to something, wasted potential :/
It is how I beat him. Lure him to one side run to the other go up the ladder plunge his ass. It is like the first boss in Ninja Gaiden in a way.