
Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by no god anywhere, Sep 11, 2017.

  1. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    no god anywhere submitted a new map:

    Trinket - Larger 1v1 map that ensures long range pistol fights and excels for aggressive players.

    Read more about this map...
  2. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    This looks gorgeous. *bookmarks*

    CANADIAN ECHO Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  4. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Needs more Pyramoid blocks.
  5. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    holy **** dude
    Danix 92 and no god anywhere like this.
  6. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont believe in that sort of stuff. :shrug:
  7. CaptainDireWolf

    CaptainDireWolf Forger of the Wild
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks like you can make more than incredible remakes! Damn fine work man. Love the pyramid block aesthetics.
    no god anywhere likes this.
  8. Hairy Mcclairy

    Senior Member

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    Dat river aesthetic doe o.o
    no god anywhere likes this.
  9. Connie

    Connie Catgirls Don't Cry
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    Hey, NGA. Just wanted to let you know that you did a spectacular job with layout. I know you're more accustomed to the remake scene. There are, however just a few little things I think could propel this map into an instant 1v1 classic. One being that when I played on the map, there were a couple of broken clambers that really effected the flow. There is also a region where what LOOKS like it should be an easy jump-up ends up being just too high for the player to make it unless timed impeccably. This is jumping up to that incline from the bottom terrain. Second is the central teleporter. I think there needs to be just a liiiiittle more indication that it is a teleporter, because I was really jarred when I went through it the first few times. Other than these things, the map is beautiful and plays great.
    no god anywhere likes this.
  10. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliments. I'm happy you enjoy the layout. Surprisingly I'm a huge fan of it myself, lol. I know of a broken clamber on the map right on the outside corner when jumping up to hydra, which I couldn't resolve easily so I kinda just said screw it. It's a very small spot and easy enough to avoid but I should fix it. Otherwise I'm not aware of any other broken clambers but it may just be because I subconsciously avoid them after playing the map hundreds of times.

    Everyone expects the crouch jump slants to be clamberable but they were intentionally designed to be difficult jumps meant to screw you over if your movement isn't precise. I actually had most jumps on the map difficult in the beginning but the less skilled players literally couldn't play the map so they got nerfed through time. I'd like to get in a party and we can go over this stuff in case you've found something that wasn't intentional though.

    The teleporter, I know right. Even with the starting cam a majority of people don't even know it's a teleporter until it's used on them. I just gave up trying to find a way to make it look obvious that looks good to me. I plan to still resolve this issue.
  11. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    This is a really cool map, I'm thinking of using it for an unannounced possible 1v1 tournament in the future. The scale is perfect for 1v1's and I think the gameplay can be fast as a result of it. I do have a few concerns though, hopefully you can address them or elaborate on your thinking.

    • The plasma pistol platform seems to be in an area that players could camp or hide. There are no direct routes up there either so its not an intuitive area to explore or look at. I would also reconsider the placement of the plasma pistol here for the baiting reasons above. I think there are more areas on the ground floor that you could reward players for traversing.
    • Sentinel beam and Sniper rifle are in very close proximity to eachother. Do they have spawn rotations so that they are not available to pickup simultaneously? Perhaps low ammo counts on both?
  12. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    Sure i'd be happy to fully elaborate but i'd end up writing a book so ill try to make it as short as i feel is acceptable. This map has a lot of complexity and variables in it which regrettably does take less skilled and new players on the map longer to pick up on so i dont blame you for your initial concerns. Also remember this map and 1v1 is better played with no AR/Radar.

    All the pickups on the map have low ammo and longer respawn times(death/deletion+45sec)... usually enough for only one kill each before youre stuck with one weapon again. The weapon pads, which snipe has one clip and the plasma rifle at only 15% can earn you more if used skillfully. The low ammo counts, weapon choices and general nature of the maps playspace usually leaves you at a huge disadvantage if you were to drop your pistol. The pistol is simply the best weapon to have with any pickup ive placed on the map.

    With that said, responding to your second point, sure the beam is close by the snipe but i wouldnt feel very threatened by the combination or confident with it myself. Its a poor choice to pick up both. Snipe is usually depleted very quickly and has a full 3 minute respawn which leaves the beam as the only weapon available in that section of the map most of the game. From the many games ive spectated its often ignored(a lot of people think it sucks) by most players and best used as a counter to the snipe.

    Your first concern, the plasma pistol(30% 2 shots) is literally the least used weapon on the map and has proven to be in its most optimal respawn location after all variables considered(same with all the weapons in their current locations). I actually originally placed it there as incentive because people were afraid to go up there. The position its placed in is the most open location on the map where you give up all advantage of anonymity and can hardly defend. Players mostly drop down very quickly and end up under the catwalk. The flow of the map (which ill briefly touch on below) tends to make this area of the map disadvantageous because of players circling around above if you were to retreat down from PP spawn. I'd consider this section of the map the point of no return because more often than not players are killed here or either retreat into the teleporter or off the one way wall down to plasma rifle spawn. Its not that you'll be baiting someone here because with basic knowledge of how the map flows... you'll probably be right where the other player wants you.

    Quickly, generally the map flows clockwise because the consecutive nature of the push and pull of its geometry causes a trend of rotation + the left hand route is usually the option with more cover. Also while power weapons are in play, players will want to take the snipe up to the "opened up side" waterfall bridge and PP catwalk while the plasma rifle is usually taken around towards the "closed off side" around snipe spawn, both opposite from where they spawn.

    Lastly if you are really interested in using this map i'd like to forge out some changes that will make it a better fit for all players. This map wasnt designed to be intuitive or easily accessible for new players or less skilled players. IMO its more of an endgame map; something higher skilled players can appreciate, especially the more its played. There are a lot of critical movement options on the map that people wouldnt find unless shown/witnessed that id like to make more obvious so the map seems more traversable. Otherwise if you still want to change some weapons or anything i can submit but it really is in a great state currently.
    #12 no god anywhere, Jan 26, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
    CANADIAN ECHO and WAR like this.
  13. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Thanks for elaborating, I can understand your thinking with the weapons being close together. Only highly skilled players can effectively wield a sentinel beam and a sniper rifle together. Good to hear you have low ammo counts on the pickups, plasma rifle especially. I still just have one disagreement, I think the plasma pistol platform can grant players an area to stay out of view from opponents. There's an area behind a column up there that eliminates the lines of sights you mentioned. With no direct routes up there, I think its an area that could be subject to abuse.

    If you're going to continue forging on this map then please do so promptly as I would like to collect finalized maps soon. Sorry I don't have a time frame to give you right now. Anyway, sorry if I missed out the bits where I'm supposed to compliment the map. Obviously I really like it which is why I'm going through these things with you now :)
  14. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a version named "Trinket Tourn" visible in my files. Its an edited version to fix a few clambers, make the teleporter obvious, added pillars to make a number of jumps obvious and also nerfed the **** out of the top catwalk corner. Take a look and tell me what you think.
    WAR likes this.
  15. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Awesome, thanks man, I'll give it a look. Sounds like you got it.
    no god anywhere likes this.

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