CROSS OVER made by KINGSHARPSHOOTA Cross over is a very fun track to race on and is a very long track from foundy, the track has one shield door jump one step up jump 3 jumps and two drop offs. The cross over race track will take about 1minute and 30seconds to 2minutes a lap. ALSO one of the jumps and a barrelrole jump too for the last jump but is very hard to land. the track is cheat free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A MUST KNOW, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE SHIELD DOOR JUMP, SOMETIMES YOUR MONGOOSE WILL NOT MAKE IT, SO TO FIX THIS JUST KEEP CHANGING MONGOOSES TILL IT WORKS, OR CHANGE TEAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Click here for Map Variant Must need to Play Map! Click here for Game Variant START LINE AND THE END OF LAST JUMP SHIELD DOOR JUMP THE STRIGHT TO THE SHIELD DOOR JUMP DOWNWARD SPIRIL DOWNWARD SPIRIL (Angle 2) STEP UP CROSSOVER COLLISION! CROSSOVER JUMP (Angle 2) HIGEST PEAK WALLRIDE BARREL ROLE FINISHED! I Hope you all enjoy my Map!
this looks totally rad man lol you have my download evryting good except one thing wrong you should try to fix that shield door glitch thing cos people dont like things like that but other than that GREAT JOB!! adios liamjedimaster oh yeah 1st POST YiPEEBANANATREE ROFL&L&L&L&L&L&L&L
ther is no way of fixing it cos 4 some werd way it goes funny 4 that mongoose, dont no how to fix it try lots of things theres no way that i have found yet. but it dose not happen much when ur with other poeple =)
wow! i haven't seen a chris-cross track before! looks very promicing (except for the shield door thing that might screw me up)
I could be wrong but I swear I have seen this map this a new version or a remake of one you did earlier?
I'm very impressed! I'm definitely going to have to take a few runs here very soon. I'll be back with some more comments sometime soon.
i tryed everything to get over the shield doors but i couldn't. in fact i couldn't do both of them. the map is kewl but you gota fix thoughs problems cause what kind of race map needs you to switch cars?
so is this cheatable? it looks expertly forged but a little confusing. i cant judge until i play though, i will DL...
nope i have not released the map before and not put it on my file share till now, i made this map from nothing if u dont think so, ask these guys... kingpartypooper Kohaku Dragon Sterlingflea but there may be something that look like it from my other tracks. so have a go on the track then tell me if it still look like a copy to the halo guy have u tryed racing with other people coz i think it may work then coz the shield jump works all the time with me and my m8s to spoonhunter yea i think theres one but have not tryed it before and im not going to say it too
This map looks fun and great to use ... I will download it later and im sure i will be using this map in my big lobbies i have with some mates XD
its good to hear that all the high leveled post poeple all like my race track and how it looks fun =)
I really enjoyed this map once i figured part out. My whole party seemed to have trouble with the shield door jump that lifts you up to the platform before the spiral down though. It took us a while to realize that it can only be made by going straight in as fast as possible. You might want to look in to making that one part a little more user friendly but other than that it was a great map!
the shield door thing has never happened to me in a race with other mats but the only time it has happened was when i was in forge so i think that it may need other people to work and it also realy happens to my m8s only now and again it will happen to then so its not that bad =)
That shield door makes me mad sometimes. It is so unpredictable to when it will let me and my firends up. Other than that though, it's amazing.