Maps Section - Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Foge, Nov 16, 2017.

  1. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Because there's no productive and useful, and I use that phrasing lightly because... well WAYWO, activity going on outside of WAYWO. I, personally, don't want to post a map that's going to be filed away and only located by searching the database for my tags due to how the community has become. This can be to blame for multiple reasons: The lulls of activity from game to game, site format, and the members themselves. However, I feel like FH has shifted from a community that helps build forgers to a community with some false sense of exclusivity and a separation between map posts and discussion. It's really hard to integrate into a community where the only real way to become familiar with regulars is through WAYWO since it's kind of an intimidating front. Some discussion does happen in the Map List section, but definitely not as in-depth or regularly as it is given through WAYWO.

    I feel this can be fixed by reverting or revamping the map section. It's not so much that people (speaking subjectively, of course) feel the need to have their map on the first page, but rather posting a map usually isn't a one-and-done type of deal. You post, people play, feedback is given, you improve. If it gets pushed into the abyss of endless pages of maps while you're still trying to receive feedback and are actively seeking it by responding to feedback then that's game for you because you no longer are relevant unless searched for. I feel like you should be rewarded with being first page if you're still improving your map actively, regardless if that's with a map file update, a comment representing your progress, or replying to others suggestions. This also moves the amalgam of a discussion out of WAYWO (in a perfect world, I guess) and back into the different facets of the forum.
    a Chunk likes this.
  2. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
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    The map page would be better suited to fit four features at the top 10% larger than they are now and all of the other postings should be thumbnails just about the size of the current features and this way you can fit 4 times as many thumbnails on the same front page. If people want to see only 2 vs 2 size, they can click the search criteria on the side to see those. We really don't need all of the horizontal space and info on the map page. We only need the thumbnail, the authors name and maybe the player size / infection / minigame etc...
  3. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Please delete this post.
    #23 no god anywhere, Nov 17, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
    ExTerrestr1al likes this.
  4. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    Is anyone really worried about their maps not getting exposure because a ton of other maps were released? Let's be honest, maps are not getting released at a fast enough rate for everyone's maps to just go and disappear from the first page and from existence, buried beneath other maps. Besides, what I do, and I'm sure everyone else does when checking the maps section is scroll back to the last map I saw and look through them from there. Besides there's always gonna be times when a load of maps are spammed at once, especially after the release of a new halo, whether they're from one forger or not. It's not like people only test or play the first few maps on the map page. No they play the best looking ones instead.
    P.s. I know he's not always being mean and is just giving critism but for some reason whenever I read feedback from extraspicymemes I read it in my best sarcastic arsehole voice. I also feel I'm not the only person that this effects lol.
  5. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Small observation on previous discussion

    The people in here who seem to care the most about their maps "not getting exposure" are the people who never really post maps. I'm a little confused there. Maybe if you posted something we could compare and contrast a bit, but hey.

    Next, everyone needs to take a step back from this issue. Are you all really gonna gang up on one guy who decided to post his maps in his free time? Really? He says himself he used his day off to do this. When did we become so elitist? As more active members we are supposed to use of familiarity with the site to help others.

    As a community we are supposed to help and encourage each other. Not attack and belittle. That's just sad. Were the map posts lack luster, sure they were but all it takes is a friendly, "Hey man, add more to this post". It is actually that simple. On top of that, you can flag anyone on staff to come look at something and WE can deal with it.

    TLDR: Highly disappointed in the communities reaction to this. I hold some of you especially to a higher accountability and I am really surprised at your reactions.
    KeeLoker likes this.
  6. Dunco

    Dunco Troll Whisperer
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    I think they we're more concerned about everyone not getting a fair share of exposure. No one was upset about their own personal maps.
    This all happened like 2 days ago which is a pretty long time ago in internet time. No one has talked about it again. You brought it up.
    Fair enough but if you guys could work a little harder on not talking down to everyone on this site. You're volunteer staff on this site so let's stop acting like we're better than one another due to our site status. I've watched first hand as the staff talk about how immature some members can be and then continue talk unnecessary **** about them. That's called being a hypocrite.
    Talking to everyone like you're their parent is how you become a meme.

    Not trying to start **** here. Just giving some perspective from where I sit.
    purely fat likes this.
  7. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
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    Phew... Twenty pages is a lot.

    Anyway, I'd rather look at something like this or that more often than something like this. That is why I try to put effort into my posts, since otherwise I would feel guilty about people that do the same thing. They most likely expect well presented maps aswell, so that is where I am coming from. But to each their own.


    Edit: Could this be removed? That was just my opinion on how it works for me. I didn't suggest anything. People can do it however they want to, it's up to them.
    #27 Buddy Jumps, Nov 18, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2017
    purely fat likes this.
  8. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
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    Im just going by WAYWO pages. It's still the topic right before the uh, girl up top? That's a girl right?

    To move backwards, I'm not trying to get on anyone's head. What I am most annoyed about is that this is the type of thing that people say about ForgeHub to get people to not come here. For the most part it doesn't actually represent what it's like here.

    However, when stuff like that does happen, it's hard to work around that stigma. That stigma I feel is unfair to all members on the site cause it's wrong. I've seen everyone here be helpful at one point or another so to hear people dismiss that over incidents like this is kinda bogus. That's something I would say regardless of whether or not I was staff.

    Double TLDR: Not trying to be condescending. I just don't want groups of members attacking one person over small ****. We should focus on big ****, like Cesspool. ;)
  9. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    I have a similar concept I've discussed recently that turns WIP threads into map posts themselves. Still sticking to your forum idea, the maps would be discussed and what not, and all the creator would have to do is unclick a "wip" option when editing the thread and all of it would get transferred to the completed maps section.
  10. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Yeah, and I know Warholic has always wanted to have something like that. I hope it's doable. It would be an improvement for sure.
  11. Nitro

    Nitro Guilty Spark

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    I personally think we there can be a better process. Like @a Chunk has mentioned, a lot of time and money has been spent on that very system. Do I think it's perfect? No. Do I think it needs to be updated? Of course. I think that some members on the site do think that map quantity > map quality. The thing about Halo 5 forge compared to others, more maps and prefabs are being submitted now because the ease of use (also making a basic map looks better from the get go compared to previous forge iterations) of forge. I would too would like to see some sort of system that places emphasis on map progression. WIP are separated and mainly neglected because they are currently outside of the map database section. I personally would like to implement some for thought on redesign on things that can be improved to the current map sections.

    Again if you guys could provide your feedback here - that would be very helpful. Things get lost in WAYWO and I don't want to search through the pages to find some missed feedback that might go unnoticed.
    ExTerrestr1al likes this.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Copy Pasta -

    If I could set the site up any way I wanted, I'd have the maps section integrated directly into the forum. I'd create a WIP section, and do everything in my power to participate in giving constructive feedback to people who post there, and encourage others to do the same. I'd strongly encourage anyone who utilizes the various testing groups/lobbies to post their submissions in the WIP section and provide a link when submitting their map for testing, and also ask that written feedback from the testing lobby be left in the specific WIP threads.

    This WIP section would also be home to the WAYWO thread, which would be an outlet to post concepts, or other projects that aren't far enough along for their own thread (along with the typical off topic discussion that the thread is known for). This alone would drive a lot of traffic/view toward WIP's. This, imo, should be the primary focus of the community. The interaction, feedback, and development that results is what pushes the community forth as a whole. I've seen a setup like this in the past, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it works. It builds a tighter community, while also producing better forgers/designers, and better end products.

    Next, I would have WIP threads transition into (or at the very least connect up with) official map threads. I see Official Map Releases having their own forum section. Ideally, when submitting a completed map the forger can link to the WIP thread, which would allow everyone to see how the map evolved over time to become what it is.

    Basically, I would do everything I can do to put the focus of the site and the community on developing maps. I feel that the focus has shifted too far towards promoting content, and that development is by and large being overlooked.
  13. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad this thread is a thing now.
    a Chunk likes this.
  14. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    You should have a normal maps and bad maps section.

    Not only would the constant threads from people begging to be transferred to the normal section be amazing to read, but it would remove all the low effort posts.
    Masterr SLUG and qrrby like this.
  15. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    So should I start with your maps?
  16. Masterr SLUG

    Masterr SLUG Legendary
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    Forgehub High Quality HD 4K Maps Section and ForgeHub Budget Map Dial up section
    #36 Masterr SLUG, Nov 24, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  17. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    that bug with the same map at the bottom of each page is back, FYI. It's an isue only because it actually blocks out the map that should be there - that map does not get pushed to the next page, for instance.

    Thanks for all you do
  18. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    A new question for Mods/staff please answer asap :D

    I want to publish several dev copy maps with the Extraction mechanics installed on them. I would prefer not to spam the maps section with 3-6 maps this week, but is there any alternative to doing so? There is no Game Type section, where I could simply list all the maps that are compatible with it.

    So, what about this? A map page that is for multiple maps, or a map "pack". Would it be better for me to modify the Mercy Extraction Demo page I've already created so that it actually links ot several maps, or what?

    I want an easy way for people interested in the gametype to be able ot find the maps on this forum, and the whole collelction of them.

    Thoughts please...
    Nitro likes this.
  19. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    Just release them as a pack under one map and call the map extraction, then just have the map link link to the game mode. At least that's what I'd do.
    ExTerrestr1al likes this.
  20. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    yeah, I think I like thta. Thanks I can even make the screenshot thumbnail for this site be a composite of a few maps...

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