we should all just speak in morse codes. that way when we start moving the lines we draw between what is acceptable and not, it just becomes another dash
If your friends don't care, be my guest. But you have to be aware that when you bring that same mentality outside of your friend group that you know doesn't give a ****, there's the possibility that someone takes it the wrong way. Like someone said earlier, it's all about context.
The survey is about to cross it's first 100 responses. Ill give you guys a snapshot of the data once we get there. If you havent completed it yet: https://goo.gl/forms/EpgGCNTJJPNesMZD2
To insert on the current topic, over the past couple years I've stopped referring to friends and things in general as gay in the typical negative tone one would use it. People say, "Why does it matter? I don't mean it like that." and sure whatever but the comtext remains. If you're using gay to describe something you dont like or something negative, you imply that same infliction on being gay. I've been been trying to kick using retarded like that too but being an avid gamer has made it a challenge lol. Also I don't mean to preach. That's just me and that's the logic I got.
Lol I’m trolling a little bit Ace. But yes I think it’s wrong to be gay but that’s my own personal belief. This is all just joking and all but that’s how I feel take it or leave it. I would never bash anyone for being gay and I even have a gay brother in law. I don’t hate gays nor have I ever treated anyone bad for being gay. I don’t want or mean to open up a giant can of worms but if I am honest I do think it’s wrong. Ensue the flame war I’m not scared. BTW: I meant it’s not my fault they are gay, why do I have to worry about offending them. It was a joke.
Gotcha, that's what I thought and hoped you meant really. Nuanced jokes don't come through well in text. No hard feelings man.
That second paragraph was a generalization. Based on homosexuality being the only negative meaning of the word and ignoring any possibility of there being any other subculture that uses the word in another way. Not to say you are wrong for having a view on something or having a moral code you follow. I mean it could be worse they could live anywhere in the world that isn't the West. Where prejudice is a norm and nobody bats an eye at it, because it is cultural tradition. Which brings up the question of how the progressives will convince countries like China their ideas are good when they have a slur that literally translates to "White Left". Moral of the story is a snake eating itself.