Literally all the people you guys are bitching about for being offended. Their feelings are real. Whether you care about them or not is your choice, and obviously I ain't changing that for most of y'all. I don't call **** gay or retarded anymore because I know how it can make people feel. That's good enough for me I guess.
Not every insult has the same weight. If you're not a minority or gay or black or poor or whatever it's easy to say people need thicker skin. There's nothing in the world you can say to offend me but I certainly don't believe that's the same for everyone. Unless If it's comedy, I couldn't care less how harsh, rude or offensive it is. It's comedy, it's supposed to offend.
If they hate me I'd rather ignore them completely. They clearly don't need my set of atoms to learn whatever lessons they feel they need to learn, so why waste my time trying to get them to do anything for me? I call them speedbumps, cuz you want to slow down enough that you don't **** up your ride, but not enough that you stop altogether.
If Im not black!? What the **** you racist pig. Most homosexuals were victims of childhood sexual/physical/emotional abuse. Therefore I do see the need in being sensitive around them, as they are typically hurting internally. Not to mention the ongoing assault and ruthless pillaging of their rectal cavities. Sheds new light on the term "Butt Hurt".
Not true. Not everyone is offended. You making a generalization like you have is actually more offensive than someone saying a single word. You making a generalization for an entire group is denying their rights as individuals to make their own choices. I don't have a problem with you finding the words offensive or you not using them. My problem comes from progressives making sweeping generalizations to make a point. Your entire argument and belief is based on an assumption for a group of people that is less the 5% of our population that clearly has people that do not comply with your statement. Also, their solutions for supposed oppression is more oppression. Not saying you do this but a large majority of progressives nowadays want intersectionality which is just prejudice. How can breaking people down by race, gender, and other categories lead to anything but prejudice? Sorry, if I came off as aggressive I just wanted to present a point of view you might not have gotten before.
You do realize that you contradict yourself by saying not all insults are weighted the same. If they are not the same, you are denying equality for those of supposed less important insults. And I am nitpicking.
You do not change a system by pointing out the faults of that system, the same way you do not stop a war by protesting it with signs. Show me a new system that makes the former completely obsolete, or invite me to a peace rally where a small world without war exists and works.
In The Social Organism (1860), Spencer compares society to a living organism and argues that, just as biological organisms evolve through natural selection, society evolves and increases in complexity through analogous processes.
Most things are choices. Falling in love is a choice based on further choices and agreements with one's self. Being happy is a choice based on agreements of self esteem and life's forks in the road.
That's a fair point honestly. I guess I should clarify that members of these groups CAN or MIGHT be offended, not necessarily that they automatically are. If there's a chance something you say or do could negatively affect someone, why choose to say or do that thing when the alternative won't negatively affect someone? And there are certainly extents to what can be expected of certain people to be knowledgeable of. It's a little ridiculous when someone expects someone else to know exactly what part of the gender spectrum they identify with for example, and take offense when you don't use the "correct" word when that person had no prior way of knowing how you identify. But if someone doesn't know that "******" is a derogatory term to many people, that's on you, not the person offended. As with many things, there's certain levels of expectations and common understandings that come with the language you use. You shouldn't have to try to walk on eggshells to use the exact specific words that won't offend anyone, thats a ridiculous expectation. And people that take offense to language that is so precise in its level of "acceptance" should at least understand that not everyone is aware of what may or may not be "acceptable" to say. But common sense should tell you that certain things are probably not okay to say.
I can get that but most people know well enough when it is and isn't okay to do this and though the words Zombie used might lay more along the fence his point still stands.