1v1/2v2 Figured since it is pretty much done might as well get a few more games on it this weekend and release it. The map that we played with Slap.
I'll be on around 8ish if you guys are still playing. We can play Vizere if you want as well; more sets of eyes are always helpful
If I don't have children screaming in my ear yes Otherwise I will communicate with Tea bag Morse code
So by former glory you mean I should just ban you now to save myself some trouble? Still no word on that eggnog drinking contest you must be shook af
I want to get some basic cameras and stuff set up and I want to tweak the lighting a little more. FYI this map has really **** performance in forge but is not too bad custom game. It is the map I showed you with Salty the one time.
Anyone ever drop a bunch of oreos on the ground and eat it off the ground like a piece of **** animal
my uncle in law is a physician who got food poisoning and he believes that the only thing it really could have been is, using a knife in a mayo jar , spreading onto a sandwich, and then using same knife for a second scoop of mayo, thereby introducing something thta could incubate in the jar. Then using it later = PUKE for days. Not that it will happen every time, but yeah, at least wipe off the knife for that second dunk, or finish the jar of mayo in one sitting with your 'nana, whichever comes first
well, it will be experimental, for sure. I won't make any promises. But, maybe think about how you'd segement into 64 object groups. However, I do not yet know if it will be possible to do this sort of macro movement without messing up the placed weapons and spawns. That might be a big problem, actually. Maybe I'll do some experiments and see what the constraints are. But the movement of the map itself is doable...
You know what helps is just using a sponge to absorb the mayo from the jar, wringing it onto the banana, and then placing the sponge back in the jar and closing the lid. Means anytime you need mayo you just pull the sponge out and squeeze it, then place it back inside. Much cleaner, and doesn't risk food poisoning.