Extraction Gametype is just about ready for release. It now features new and improved visual Fx based on a design suggestion from @Ryouji Gunblade <- might be one of the most visually impressive things built in Forge, TO. DATE. It makes the game type almost feel official and not forged. At least I hope so. If you have been following or are interested, here is my latest post about it in the Extraction Thread. The demo maps (and gametype) can be found on my GT, or also somewhere else in that thread. (Mercy, Regret, and Fathom)
You should try my paradise burger. Blackened patty, peppercinis, Thanksgiving style cranberry sauce, and provolone. Boss said it was one of the top 3 he's ever had
That actually sounds pretty good. If you are ever making stock or broth from scratch. I can give you the most important tip to getting the most out of it. Simmer it until the bones can be mushed in your hands. Also, if you are frying a steak in a pan. Use fairly low heat and butter only. Don't season until done and never stop moving the steak so the entire surface gets an even crust. Once you have a crust flip it and do the same thing and you will get a perfect medium rare steak every time.
You still in LA? @MultiLockOn You can get them at Playa Vista farmer's market on saturdays. Oma's puffers.com Lol
sounds good! Something finally to use cranberry sause for! that's good steak advice, I do similar, but I like more of a char on the outside, at least a little. higher heat for me, for less time. should definitely only flip beef one time. I have also learned from Anthony Bourdain I think, that you should always let beef cool before you eat or slice it. 5 min. more flavor.
My boss isn't smart enough to make broth from scratch. He's your typical 'drink my liver away and wonder why my body is in pain the next day' kind of guy. So he's lazy and orders stock. Whenever I make myself steak I do a full horseradish crust, but instead of panko I use slightly crushed haystack onions. Le Magnifique
I definitely do the same when I grill. I just like doing it that way for one specific reason. Peppercorn sauce. So you add milk or cream whatever is available to the butter you cooked the steak in. Also, a bit of white wine and you got a simple and quick sauce.
the best is when I grill I use foil on it for ... well, cuz i'm lazy and don't scrub the grill... and it pools up the grease and when raw I put habernero sause on both sides. when it cookes, the grease and sause move through the steak. then when I pull it off and onto a plate, the grease all escapes with the sause and you get a very nice gravy on your plate. very good!
I learned from Warholic to to grill or bake salmon with montreal steak seasoning and brown sugar. it is ****ing awesome.