@Xandrith Waffles are made for ultimate breakfast sandwiches Pancakes are for ultimate breakfast tacos
It doesn't matter either way because they'll get freezer burn when your younger brother doesn't close it properly.
So since the gods of dark souls are on, anyone wanna help me with the deacons of the deep boss? You can laugh at me the whole time @MultiLockOn @Xandrith
But all I have is this stupid fire axe and pyromancer build Edit: did I mention this is my first dark souls game? I guess I could give up like I always do
Lol what happened to the sage being the easiest? I think I'd rather reforge my first map brick by brick at this point, but thanks
The sage is the easiest boss because the deacons aren't even a boss ahahahah its just a mob. What weapon are you using? You can literally just spam RB and hit the entire mass of enemies and never get hit. Still, I can help if you need it.
I was using the first axe I ever got hahaha So I cheated and switched to the twin blades for the first time in the game and applied a couple char bundles. Crisis averted