I like the look in the first picture the most. If I were you, I'd replace those energy windows with either glass or grates. I would also say the map the would benefit from some slight color muting. Maybe softer tones of orange and red and not as white lighting. Maybe gray 40-60 would serve you better especially with the brightness turned down.
What "energy windows" are you talking about? If its the boundaries used in the first image, Id say keep em as they are the most framerate efficient see through material. Maybe tone down the orange a bit though? Or try different tones of orange to give it a little bit more "pop" i guess? From the screenshots it seems like the map could have a much better atmosphere if it wasn't just the same grey and orange colors.
Can we be in a squad together when it comes out? We can just lean against walls calling all the other Spartans "Posers" while we smoke our American Spirit cigs.
I started a new treehouse themed 1v1, but framerate is gonna be pretty shitty. I dont think it will be bad enough to make the map unplayable, but its definitely noticeable already, and as you can see, Im only at 600 objects. Still, I am digging the look of it and I think I'm gonna see it through to completion. I have been wanting to make a map like this for a long time, but I held off because i knew I would hit this problem and because I couldn't figure out how to get giant trees without merging a **** ton of them together. The barrens rocks seem to match the color and texture well enough, so I figured using them instead of a ton of trees would be better on performance.
"What's up everybody, it's the homeslice Ascend Hyperion comin' at chu with yet another Halo 5 Forge map feature."
I think the lack of context makes it that more appealing when you try to remember it at the end of the year.
Sounds like a good time, but if you're going to marathon nicolas cage, Steven Seagal needs to be in there too