done: @1:00 that ledge is now patched It worked for a bit but then it went back. I just made a new copy so to anyone who already has it bookmarked there is a new one in my bookmarks with the proper name. It is Identical to the old one so if you want to just keep the old file tis no big deal.
You guys wanna hear a joke thats wrong on soooo many levels? (Once this post hits 5 likes I'll share Ps: please don't ban me mods)
I'm sorry for posting a HaloFollower video but this **** is stupid. There's going to be a new Halo IP and a large player count gametype. My guess is that it will be an ODST themed battle royal game, as all the industry is anymore is developers copying other developer successes, even though battle royal would be absolute dog in Halo.