I usually spend one or two hours every few days for around a month on a map. getting it done in 3 days is definitely not the norm for me lol. Also half the **** on this map was ripped from other projects. I didn't do as much work as you might think!
Everyone obviously goes at their own pace, but not all maps are created equal. If you already have a layout or a good set of art assets in mind, it's not going to take that long to make something out of it. But designing a new layout with new art is a different story, especially if it's an unorthodox design. On average, it takes me 7-10 days to brainstorm an art style, design a few layouts, get others in to help solve problems, and iterate before I reach a point where it's time to clean it up. That's usually where I'll run into most of the roadblocks, pull my hair out, punch a puppy, get wasted to forget it all happened, and then wake up with a hangover and a different map. BUT if I make it past all that like I have on my last few maps, I still have to rebuild the damn thing. Everything up till that point has been loosely defined, so going in and inking over those sketchy lines is a long and meticulous process. It's like climbing a mountain and then sighing when you reach the peak, before you look down and realize you still have a long way to go. I've posted a lot of sketchy maps before, but I don't think I've shared any of my polished stuff yet. The last thing I did in 3 days was my [ONLY] castle map. It takes a long time to clean stuff up and it's only going to get longer in the next Forge. But hopefully it's at least easier.
What's up buttwaffles Today is the day I'm posting the first half of my Restoration Series. I've gone back to my first three maps and have given them face-lifts, spawning fixes, consistent 60 frames per second, and best of all, Magnum Ammo! You're welcome Multi. First we got Strangle. Simple aesthetics, Doomy Quakey Unreal feel, fast paced action for 2v2 and 4v4. Next we got Golem. Some dumb rock monster left his hand in front of a fortress. Go fight on it or some ****. 2v2 and 4v4 babyyyyyyy And last we got Zone Art. Modern Art museum that got overrun by offended Spartans. Brought their guns into the debate. 2v2, 4v4 This is only the first half, I got some more **** coming your way. Love it, hate it, whatever. Just have fun.
(Picks up defibrilator, proceeds to do cpr on 4chub...) Almost there... new visual fx for Extraction beacons... (still needs a little work) http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/ExTerrestr1al/video/42243065 (EDIT: are my videos always hard to load on xbdvr? it might be the higher refresh rate of (60) )
That only took about 100 days... You still owe us about 20 more pictures to fulfill your promises. #neverforget
A shower thought To follow up the brilliance of Stronghold infection: In Halo 6, to more accurately represent quantum teleportation teams should lose a point in slayer every time a player enters a teleporter because matter is disassembled on the sender end of teleportation and that means it would count as a suicide.
You know what. That could be a good mechanic. Teleporters may be useful but if you lose a point for going through it they could become more tactical. Of course you'd always get that 1 guy on your team spamming the teleporter so you lose.
might be a little too "treky" but, you could have a random roll of the dice to see if the teleporter will have a "transporter accident" and phase you into a wall and kill you... risk/reward
While we're at it there's always a chance that your rocket launcher's tube could get clogged and the rocket could explode in your face.
I need a Teleporter Feed showing up on my screen. Teleporter Markers would be even better, so I know if a teleportation has been successful.