The dude came in talking about how he liked Spartan abilities. Of course we hate him. Deep down, he will always be a ******.
its ok I hated me too hahaha ha. ha..... ha ............ ha ................. ha ........................ ha.
"why solo-queue if you are not an ACTUAL pro player" well I am a "Ryan" and a MM noob (since 3) so that would mean I'm a pro named "Ryanoob", right? I mean, I'm in my 30s so I was a Ryan and a noob far before he was... one might say I'm a professional noob, so... lol anyway, how dos a noob get magnum skins? you gotta progress really far in the spartan rank? I'm spoiled cuz on PC I have the mod that just unlocks them all for you... gunmetal grey never seemed so boring!
@LargerFiend Let me say, just in case nobody else does, the geometry on this map is ****ing amazing. Honestly dude, by far one the best applications of the Sangheli pieces I have seen ON TOP of one of the most fluent and detailed usages of the primitive set. The map is so far beyond clean it hurts. There is abunch of castle-y stuff in WAYWO all the time but imo, this is top gun
I think something larger fiend posted last spring lead me to stop using sangheli pieces and use more of the structure pieces instead. sangheli pieces are DOG
it took me months just to learn what was in all those damned menus! I deliberate over which piece to use for hours! fall asleep, try to start again the next day... forget what the **** I was doing.. yeah some of us aren't as graced as others