That was only if i won. Its all good though. Multi liked one of mine best and NGA liked the other so Im beyond happy with the results. I never entered for the money anyway.
next, @Chronmeister should make a spanish-themed key map titled.... ...wait for it.... CHRON-KEY-STADOR -
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for and I did spend a fair time looking. Ill try some of these out.
Thanks for the feedback, Skyrail is from two console generations ago so it is a bit on the ugly side by nature, not saying I am a flawless builder either, but I was copying from a PS2 and it is not as cool as I remember. And yes, I have been going a bit forge-crazy, my wife agrees definitely taking it easy from here out. I just had to get my initial excitement and "how does this work" phase over with while i got used to the interface. I'll post some more maps later so I'm not just hijacking this thread with my junk.
Work at what pace suits you @DudeWheresMyHog. Sometimes pumping out maps is the way to go. They won't necessarily all be good but as long as you learn something from each then you're doing it right.
I suppose you are correct. Here's the lot, I would say these are finished unless one of them seems good enough to deem reworking (maybe the last three) and are all original unlike the last post. From here out I plan on posting in progress and play-testing earlier. My first map, just figuring things out. Has many issues, plays ok and had some good ideas but the layout needed work, in particular the side/spawn rooms rarely recieve any play, particularly the lower areas, mainly due to having no way out. I decided to edit this problem but instead became a new map, Second map, big, ugly, ambitious but poorly planned. Got away from me on several fronts. First learning about groups and copy/paste and working with lighting/alignment. Teleport doesn't work properly at times. My first legitmate map, planned out on paper, visually united, intro cameras, location names, etc. Made for CTF but also set up for Strongholds. Started as the second link, a playtest map. Got smaller, obviously. Spent longer on this one, reworked the layout from my first map, picked a Roman theme and based several elements off reference photos (Trevi Fountain, etc) Followed a good tutorial on creating water elements and added sounds and more dramatic lighting and some background elements for the first time. and finally I wanted to make a massive CTF map with a lot of long shots to really get a feel for the range of some of the guns and get out of the close-quarters stuff. Also wanted to eliminate flag campers and so tried to really force objective play with the range and weapon choices; the sniper has a very long respawn and only one clip and is center-map. Flag run takes about two minutes on foot, so there is a paired gametype with a longer reset time and some other related stuff. Very fun to play. Red base is based on firewatch towers, blue base is a massive mountain with switchbacks. Ran out of physics budget. Basically a record of the learning curve for me, hopefully it isn't too much to post at once, though I'll be taking it slower from here out and would like to make more balanced, playable work.
I started as a judge, and then quit. This way nobody cares if I help judge because I was already "in" but I didn't actually have any responsibility for trello and stuff like that. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Demption was the only one to actually make a req work (he placed it on the map like a year ago, everything about that map was an accident for this competition lol) Voids tear almost worked, but the single fire is stupid yeah everything else was stupid
I liked my elephant sneezer ESPECIALLY because it was stupid. Even multi said something along the lines of "it's the only thing I like about the map" so it's a win in my book haha
So apparently my little 19th century London jungle gym death arena with no design what so ever did pretty well in the contest. You forgers should be ashamed of yourselves.