Man I'm such a moron. I had no idea that existed. Well it only took me 12 months to figure out d-pad up is magnets. I always used the menu smh.
being on PC, I always have exact coords possibility to enter by keying it in, but it's good to know that when I create a prefab and tell someone to place it at certain coordinates, people can make it exactly fit! (seems like they alreayd know that, but I didn't)
I have another. Around the same time of the magnets I discovered z-fighting. Yes. You guys can imagine what I've been through haha.
If you want ot know all the game's secrets (weird **** that probably should not be) you must get very deep into scripting. Like, did you know that once you change physics via scripting on an item, you can never revert its position even after despawning or changing its physics back again? And.... Weapons you spawn in with are actually considered to be "on your team" and.... FFA players are treated by the game of all being on the same team? and... (infamously, I have spoken aobut this before from our 1v1 map) - that when you add intro cameras that are not static, it creates a pre-game round that triggers any round-end timer scripts. and... counting players in your match includes those who have just clicked "join match" even if they take 30sec to spawn in for the first time... and that when you count players it also counts a person twice if they are both spawned and have a dead body that hasn't despawned yet? there's more but this is where all the weird stuff is found
Been working on a survival based infection map with a working currency system. Players can spend points earned per round to buy stuff on the map (weapons, extra areas, etc) The primary plaza is inspired by that iconic first holdout in H2 in old Mombasa. Thematically, the map is set in one of the last remaining sectors of Old Mombasa during the events of H3 when Shipmasters fleet begins glassing parts of the continent to kill off the flood
I was asked to remake Midship Onyx from the Halo 4 Team Throwdown playlist. Here is me beginning to art it up. Very much still WiP. .... Its not midship... uhh I swear
Nothing wrong with the map, im just disappointed knowing h5 Spartans are gonna be all over the ****ing place on that map. In other words not your fault What happens when you try and compensate? You get truth
The map was requested for a competitive 2v2 tournament, so that makes it a bit better I suppose. But yea clamber is the issue that makes the map feel smaller then it is, since you can jump from just about anywhere from the bases and top mid.
Wait wtf. D pad up is magnets!? Why'd no one ever tell me this. 12months. Ive been forging since forge was released and didn't know this.
Btw @Goat it's right + X not B but whatever, thanks anyway. I struggled with it but then I remembered I'm a Recon scrub so I had to change the scheme to default. Like with machinima controls, who don't work with Recon either.