Please tell me you are bringing the very old pc educational game "oregon trail" to halo 5. Awesome, that could be....
I honestly forgot what maps were even in the 1v1 competition lmao and there are SO MANY staff members, this is seriously inexcusable
This is a constant cycle. Staff member steps up and puts in a good amount of work for the community, gets burnt out or life happens, goes in hiding. I was a staff member long long ago on a different forge site (MonitorBuilt), so I know the feeling. But when you can no longer contribute to the community, regardless of the situation, you should step down. We have so many staff members and have been waiting on the results for far too long. It's ridiculous. I haven't even seen half the staff members post on this forum before. Get people who still visit the site frequently those positions. If you are a staff member and no longer contributing, request to step down so someone else can fill the position. @Ascend Hyperion I appreciate the hard work you're putting in.
I won't go into too much detail (I'm just a lowly mod), but many things were discussed this week between the staff. I'm personally glad a lot of touchy subjects were brought up, and I think we made progress as far as planning and execution goes for the future.
Hollllyyyy **** i just made the connection between you and monitor Built. We've known each other a lot longer than I thought we did
Yeah I've been around for awhile lol. I remember you during the H3 days. Theres not many of us left from way back then, The good 'ole days I think my account name on there was myshotsakill. Could be wrong tho