2018 goal: Make waywo great again with actual images of a WIP. Currently working on an inter-dimensional game mechanic where you can transport back and forth between dimensions at will. It reminds me somewhat of the movie "Jumper", adding another tool to team strategies. Players can use it to bypass blocked routes, obtain hard to reach weapons, or simply flank the enemy. Aiming for 2v2.
Tried making a time travel map with this concept. Still banging my head against a wall trying to conceive a decent layout for it
A couple months ago I started a HaloxDestiny UI project. Revisited it yesterday. Thinking I'm gonna finish my work and put a video out soon. Here's my new version of the character screen:
@Ascend Hyperion I'm not feeling it. Destiny's cursor feels really good, but there's a dozen subtle graphic overlays and animations in Destiny's UI that only make sense within the context of that game. Halo works best with the retro UI that peaked in Reach, and anything else is just being different for change's sake. Also, even Destiny 2 has better looking armor than that...
Fair enough. Destiny does have subtle flairs that really tie it together. TBF, I'm no graphic designer or artist lol. I've got some other stuff I'm sure most people would like though, just because it's interesting to see the two titles bleed over like that. Since you've been on about colors as of late, you might enjoy this. It's no secret that Halo 5's color palette/shaders are lacking. When I was messing with other things, I found that even minor color corrections go A LONG WAY with H5 stuff. Example:
I like the lighting in this game, but I could do without everything else of its art direction - the armor in particular. Those helmets look decent, but not even color filters can't mask most of the armor's awkward shapes.
I might be using the wrong term, so if so, I'm sorry. But in this case, I just slightly edited the values of the video (Hue, Saturation, etc) and then overlayed a preset of values with those changes.
I can't wait to get my wisdom teeth out this year and be high on narcotics and watch the original Spongebob and Scooby Doo cartoons.
When they pulled both on the left it was pretty ok. I thought I was a badass. 6 months later the two on the right was hell. Spend two days miserable in bed and looked like a had a golfball in my jaw. Goodluck man.
No they do them with local anesthesia on just one side. Maybe because you can still eat or whatever. I've heard it's also safer but I can't back this up medically.
I got put under had all 4 taken out and my mom recorded a video of me in the recovery room or whatever it’s called and man did I spill some terrible information. It was fun but the next 4 days sucked. I specifically remember them saying ok count down from 30 and I made it to like 21 or something and 2 seconds later I was up Edit: not actually 2 seconds but it felt like it