What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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    Did you guys really just like a post that ends with “kill yourself”? Pretty disappointing.

    @Dunco You are the most toxic person in this community. Nothing you do is constructive. Ive only used the report feature maybe three times, and you get the fourth. This isnt being sensitive. Telling someone you dont know to kill themself isnt cool.
  2. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Your turn, my popcorns getting cold!
  3. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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  4. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    I'm only disappointed that he said "kill yourself" instead of run yourself over.

    I thought you were bae, dunco. It turns out that you're only fam.

    Seriously, though, I wouldn't take anything dunco says personally. It's not cool to tell someone to kill themselves but I would have a hard time believing he actually wants you to kill yourself @xzamplez He is the troll whisperer after all
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Yeah what Yevah said.
    Yevah likes this.
  6. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    Well you literally said that the only truth is that we all have our own truths, which means reality itself has to be subjective. That would mean that 2+2 could equal 5 if I wanted it to.
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    I'm talking the truth from the Christian point of view. Truth with a capital T. Like the all-encompassing explanation of our existence truth. The way Soldat used the word earlier. Thought that was clear, sorry.

    It really bothers me when people claim to know this Truth unequivocally. No matter how much religious text or scientific research one consults, is there really any one answer for our existence that you can say with 100% certainty is THE answer? No. There's always going to be some degree of ambiguity or uncertainty when you put whatever arguments up against logic and critical thinking. There's always a "what if" when answering questions to the reason for our existence and how and why we exist the way we do.
  8. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    To be fair, it basically can. Whole numbers are just concepts, that can't actually be proven. I know that sounds crazy, but what actually is a 1? Everything is made up of energy and we use rudimentary values to label "groups of geometrically arranged energy" as 1. Like what is 1 lollipop? Are you sure it's not 1.09487300074 Lollipop?
  9. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    Let's go ahead and try to make that argument to mathematicions, who have demonstrated that we can quantify the very things around us, explaining things we already know to be true, and often the other way around.

    I'm not going to entertain the argument for a second that reality itself is subjective or that nothing can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Literally nobody here truly believes that and it is apparent in the way you lead your lives.
  10. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    I usually stay out of these convos because it's not a subject that be discussed very well in a forum setting. What you've said here isn't the full story. Whether or not reality is subjective is beside the point when everyone is interpreting is subjectively. Subjectivity (which is unavoidable) means that everything is interpreted through a personal filter. Anything that's interpreted though a personal filter is going to be inaccurate. This means that even if there was a person who was free of subjectivity, anyone who interprets that persons statements is adding their own layer of subjectivity to it, and therefore no longer seeing them in their true/real state.

    Even math as we know it is not 'true'. It's a conceptual model. Even if something is 'true' conceptually, that doesn't mean that it's true in reality. Conceptually, 2+2=4. In reality, things are a lot messier than that. I remember reading a bit about this at one point out of curiosity. If anyone is actually interested, I'm sure you can find much more detail online by searching 'how accurate is math', or 'is math accurate', or something of that nature.

    Edit: I typed too slow...I see the conversation has already continued.
  11. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like my women like I like my forge maps

    Beautiful, artsy, charming, and too much to handle so you drop them before you introduce them to your friends.
    #22751 Goat, Dec 29, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    What if I could prove that nothing can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I think reality would implode upon itself. :tedium:
    #22752 a Chunk, Dec 29, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    MartianMallCop likes this.
  13. LargerFiend

    LargerFiend Legendary
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    Small note: the warehouse burned down and was rebuilt some 10-15 years ago and a blonde girl who was 17 at the time died in the fire.

    So this happened one night in September of this year when I was working second shift with about 5 other guys. It was a slow night so my supervisor and I were just talking. I randomly got the idea of asking him about ghosts and the afterlife. We have never spoken of this before, so we had a pretty long discussion about it over the course of about an hour. We realized that we should probably get back to work, so that is what we did.

    About 10 minutes after our talk, one of the guys who usually works in the back stocking comes around the corner and casually asks "Hey, do you guys believe in ghosts?" My supervisor laughed and said that it was good timing and that we were just talking about it. He walks over to us and said "Ya, I was just stocking the shelf over in the 9th aisle and I saw a little blonde girl wearing a blue dress standing with her back to me in the 8th aisle. She was just standing there, not moving, so I asked if she needed anything but she didn’t respond. I walked around the corner because maybe she didn’t hear me and as soon as I look down the aisle she was gone." (I paraphrased a bit but you get the idea)

    For the record, this is a warehouse where we stock a ton of stuff. These lanes are probably twice as long as a grocery store aisle so no-one is just popping in and out of them. He was a bit freaked out about it but he didn’t believe it was a ghost so he asked the supervisor over there who the new person is and that supervisor said that they had no new people working in stocking and it was only those 2 that night. Obviously he was freaked out and came and told us what we thought. We were freaked out but just joked about how now we have to deal with a damn ghost girl for the rest of the night.

    We meet up with another guy during our break and told him what happened. He said that the day before, he thought he heard some girl laughing but he didn’t know where it was coming from. A few minutes later he saw a pallet with a couple hundred pounds of stuff on it life up about 6 inches, stop for a few seconds, and then fall. He told one of his friends from first shift and they told him that they had an experience when stocking in aisle 7, and that there was a girl with a blue dress with her back facing him standing in aisle 8... (I know this sounds ridiculous)

    So the next day rolls around and by this time my supervisor told me that he spoke with his mom last night (who has worked in the office for like 20 years) and she tells him about how this place burned down killing a girl years ago. As far as I know, nothing has happened since then.

    I don’t take any of these guys a liars. One of them is extremely Mormon, is a bit socially awkward, and never jokes about anything. I’m not saying that a phantom girl is a more likely scenario than a super elaborate joke. Each situation sounds fake as **** but I wouldn’t expect any one of these guys to make any of this up. I didn't experence anything first-hand so I'm not going to say that I 100% believe it. Just thought it was a good story.

    Spooky ahead
    qrrby, MultiLockOn and Goat like this.
  14. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you kirby yourself, are you running yourself over with a vaccuum?
  15. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    "Hippity Hoppity, women are property."

    - Soldat 2017

    On a side note, **** Doki Doki Literature Club.
  16. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes but the vacuum would gain your outfit and skills and use them to dunk on fools in Smash
  17. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Watched some of it on YouTube. Really clever idea. Takes the wierd dating Sim and makes it scary as **** without telling anybody beforehand.
  18. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Lol, what part of that game is "scary" to you? (If anyone has never heard of this game go play it, it's free on Steam. Throw all your doubts out the window and just play it, trust me.)
  19. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That first sentence sarcasm?
  20. Spranklz

    Spranklz Ancient
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    Essentially Seth's.
    #22760 Spranklz, Dec 29, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
    Sethiroth likes this.

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