You just made my point. I don’t want to go down a long post that makes me look crazy to you guys who don’t believe but I’ll touch on it. When you allow that stuff into your life so much you are opening yourself up to evil and U O E N O it. And I only say that from experience. I know there is a God because I know there is a devil because I played the some bad stuff when I was younger. I messed around with a quija board and some crazy stuff happened that if I were to tell you, you wouldn’t even believe it but I was there and it happened. There is no scientific explanation that can possibly explain the things that were happening that night. More so, it took a long time to recover from that night because it, for lack of a better word, “haunted” me and my house for a while. So when you openly allow these things in your life you can open yourself up to stuff. Go ahead and judge me or even make fun of me but this is for real. You saying “especially in 2016”, is making my point of how de-sensitized we are. People wouldn’t dare put pentagrams and stuff like that all over the place years ago, now it’s just no big deal and it “looks cool”. Anyway, call me crazy and laugh but I’m not a wacko. I’m a very normal person and that’s why I don’t tell the story of what happened because only me, my cousin, and best friend at the time experienced it.
Ephesians 5:21-31 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.... :') words of truth in this twisted age of de-masculated men
It actually can be explained scientifically. Evolution explains it. Anyone that thinks evolution is limited to the 3 dimensions we are evolved in is ignorant as fck. 4th dimensional beings exist, it's not some delusion.
I could definitely see where you're coming from, reminds me of the subject behind the game "Sad Satan". Thing is, I tend to not over-think anything when playing Doom. I grab a gun and shoot demons in the face. Why? Because demons are bad. I never associate the demonic imagery with any real life applications, it's sort of like 2 different things to me.
People give me weird looks about this stuff all the time but I grew up in a household where my mother was pretty strict about many things. Watching horror movies in our home, listening to certain bands like tool, HIM, HER, such and such. My mother always told me it opened doors into your home you don't want open and I can first hand say I have lived that experience and 100% believe it. It's just not wise. On the topic of Doom; I think it's one of the best shooters of the generation, the hell areas are especially artistically beautiful. That being said, I specifically remember my first play through of the game, one of the final loading screens towards the end of the game portrayed some really vivid imagery. Close ups of summoning circles, gnashing of teeth, lots of symbols. All overlayed with some pretty hardcore sound effects, screams and screeches and such. And I distinctly remember looking away from the tv and taking off my headset until the level finished loading. It was the only part of the game that ACTUALLY rubbed me that way and I have no problem admitting that. The Evil Dead reboot had a similar effect. Very very dark, gruesome, and in your face demonic in a totally different way. I'm not sensitive in the least, you guys know me well enough. But those Doom loading screens were tough to sit through.
Again, these words may be YOUR truth, but they are not THE truth. No matter how much you repeat them, they will never become unequivocally true. The only truth is that everyone has a different truth. @SaltyKoala I'll be on later tonight, the GF wants to play Mario Kart right now.
That’s exactly what I mean. My family wasn’t strict at all, and I wasn’t raised in church. I just heard from people that you can open “gateways” or whatever you want to call it. I found out and it was no joke.
That night was like some crazy stuff out of a scary movie bro. I couldn’t believe this stuff was happening. Still gives me chills. And we didn’t even use a real board, we drew it on paper and used a quarter for the marker. Crazy.
Yeah I'm not a religious type but Ouija boards freak me the **** out. Not everything @SaltyKoala says is crazy talk. That 4th dimension is shpooky
All good, msg me if you see me on when u hop on, I got a hard on when I heard you were making a ski resort map. I love contemporary/modern architecture and I'm a snowboarder, so I'm really interested in seeing what you have.
So you really believe that there is no such thing as absolute truth? 2+2 is five if I believe it to be so?
Also one of the things that bothers me the the most are other peoples personal stories. I think you would be doing everyone a favor not to share. @Zombievillan
Lol you guys will think I’m making this up for real but whatever, I’ll never see y’all in real life so you can’t laugh at me in person. So we made a paper Ouija board and tried it one night. Me & my cousin we’re too scared to touch the quarter so my friend Brandon did it. It was totally fake and he was moving it himself and it said a bunch of BS so I didn’t believe in it at all at that point. So the next night we decide to try it again and this is where it’ll start sounding funny to you guys who don’t believe or understand. At this point imo the Devil pretty much says “ok, you wanna fck around with me, I’ll mess you up kids”. So this time Brandon sits on the south side of the board, I’m on the west, my cousin Amanda is to the east of the board. We are on the floor in my living room at like 1:00 am and we have a candle on the north side of the board next to a Pizza Hut Glass with tea in it. No lights on at all in the entire house and my parents are asleep in the back room. Dead silent. I’m laying under a blanket and my dog (poodle) is at my feet. So Brandon again is the only one touching the marker and I’m like”whatever this is all bs”. He starts by saying hello and it says “who wakens me from my sleep?”. We ask a few simple questions and then Brandon asks who are we talking too and it says “Satan”, then it jumps straight to the number 6, circles around twice (666) then draws a giant pentagram on the board. I still don’t believe it at this point but Brandon looks at me like “wtf?!”. So it’s a little weird now but then he spells out “I’m touching the Pizza Hut Glass”. So we’re all like “ok, whatever” then it asks us about a dog we saw. (Back story, 2 days before this we untied a rot wiler from his leash 2 houses down cuz the owners were gone and he was starving. He fell in love with us but we couldn’t keep him so we fed and walked him then tied him back up. Well that night he jumped the 4’ fence with the leash still on and hung himself, freakin sad. We think he was trying to get to us. Poor guy) so he spells out that he threw the effing dog over the fence. I’m ok here but I’m starting to get a little freaked out. Now it gets intense. It spells out “dogs have a funny way of living” and right then my dog stands up and walks out of the blanket and stares directly at the Pizza Hut Glass. She’s acting weird and won’t look away from the glass. So I shoo her away to another room. Brandon then says “if you’re really here give...” and I stop him cuz I knew he was gonna ask for a sign and I wasn’t interested in seeing it lol. But then it spells out “here is your sign” and I kid you not the flame on the candle dies down to a tiny blue speckle and stays that way for a couple seconds, then goes back to normal. Now I’m starting to freak man and I was like “tell it bye, tell it bye!” cuz that’s what I was told you had to do. If you just stopped playing it would haunt you or something. So Brandon says good bye and it goes straight to NO and does the 666 and pentagram thing and the candle does the blue thing again. Just so you get an idea of it, it now does that process after every single question. No matter what we ask it answers us, does the 666, then draws a pentagram and the candle does it’s thing. There’s no draft, or air conditioning or fan that could have timed perfectly after every question. Nobody was blowing on it because it wouldn’t flicker like wind was blowing it just went down like it was out of wick and stayed small and blue for a few seconds every single time. So now we’re like “this sht is real man” and it spells “hello demons”, “hello Satan”, and then asks if we can here them. It tells us to put our ears to the floor, so we do and sure enough you can hear voices. Almost like someone watching tv under the house, only it was like 1:30 and everyone in the house was asleep but us. My cousin is laying on her stomach and the feels something touch her **** and move down her stomach and she jumps straight up and runs to my side and latches on my arm. At this point I’m all scared and I have to pee so I straight up ask it if I can go to the bathroom, it says “sure” and I ask will anything happen and it doesn’t answer so I’m like fck that. This happens probably 3 times. It also keeps telling me to turn around and look behind me but every time it says that I ask why and I am too scared to do it lol. I finally do that and nothing happens so I’m not sure what that was all about but I’m so damn freaked out by the candle thing at that point so I’m like whatever. Several time we say good bye and it says no and does the routine and I’m like “fck we are stuck here forever man” and I didn’t know how we were gonna end it. Finally I ask if I can go to the bathroom again and I swear, it spells out “just go *****!” And I still ask if anything is gonna happen and it says no. So I get in s runners lunge position to run as fast as I can to the bathroom about 20’ away and when I stand up the candle goes out. So my mission is to get the light on in the bathroom lol, Brandon runs to turn on the living room light and my cousin jumps on the couch. I go back in there and the quarter is sitting on “bye”. We ripped that paper up into as many pieces as we could and threw it away in separate trash cans cuz we all have heard about the ouija boards coming back lol. It seems a little underwhelming now that I typed it all out but man, in that situation that night I would never want to go back and I highly recommend nobody ever try to play with a ouija board, believer or not. For years my dog would walk in the living room every once in a while and just stare at that same spot forever. Crazy ass night man.
Oh man, this wasn’t there before I typed it out. Don’t look Xandrith. Like I said, it’s a little underwhelming when I read it but you can’t make that sht up man. There weren’t any things floating around or crosses spinning upside down but man, you can’t explain the candle and my dog looking straight at the glass. There’s nothing that can explain it. People I’ve told the story to say it was just a draft in the house but there’s no way. They say my parents were probably watching tv in the back and that’s why we heard voices under the floor. That’s a valid point because the house is pier and beam, but nobody was awake and nobody was watching tv. We would have known, it’s a small house.
I don't think he was denying the existence of absolute truth. I think he was denying the Bible of being that.