Thanks, Toochie. And yes, that's fine. But Tusk doesn't win prizes at the end since he's not on the official roster. And yeah, I figured the first round'd be a lot of no-shows. Hopefully the next goes better. Please report your scores to me if any other games were played.
When are you gonna update the bracket? The next matches are for this week and weekend, right? How do we know who to play next if we don't know who won the last round?
Excellent point, Mr Furious. I'll try to get the bracket posted tomorrow sometime (probably evening based on my moving status and having a job and whatnot). The truth is: I don't even really know who won. Except for the one game, I have no score reports. There's a couple cases of skipping meetings... those will probably be losses for the offending teams. And then I guess I'll just pick who won for the others. I hate to do it, but the tourny has to go on even if people can't get 6 of 12 people together. Plus, it's my prize-money. Any complaints about this way of doing things? Also, please post here if you feel like your team "won" by default.
Nope. By the way, team Pain Train will beat every team, including your AESF losers! You might as well do what our last opponents did and just not show up! Just edit us into the winner's star now and save yourself the trouble later.
Bracket Wk. 2 Here are the week-2 games to be played. I don't have time to make a fancy image, but they are as follows: Game 1: (1) BTB Champions - VS - (5) Noob combo Game 2: (9) Team A.E.S.F - VS - (15) 3 Roosters and a Cat Game 3: (6) Pain Train - VS - (2) Team Xtreme Game 4: (12) Wonder Winsauce - VS - (16) Pig Lovers No substitutions this time. You must play with people on your official roster. Again, please have your games played by and reported to my by Sunday evening. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the bracket, rules, or setup, please send me a PM or post a message in this thread. As with week 1, if a game is not played, I will choose the winner by various random criteria. However, in week 2, both the 'winning' and the 'losing' team will owe me 5 FiH (Faith in Humanity) tokens, to be paid by April 18th, 2015.
Ok, let's get this thing set up! Team Pain Train vs. Team Xtreme (2) Team Xtreme x Zerosun Super1us HOLLA DOUB Lord Sick1g GD BlueDevil(sub) XBlackDarknessX(sub) (6) Team Pain Train TXGhost (xxTXGHOSTxx) Draw the Line Klink Furious D 18 WyntersByte (sub) Predicide (sub) If your name is on that list, TXGhost needs to know your schedule. PM him or post here or something. My schedule is as follows: Thurs. night after 8 pm Eastern is possible, but difficult for me to do. Saturday morning before noon Eastern works best. Sunday might work.
Weekends are best for me since I started my summer 9-5 job. Pick a time and date on a weekend and I'll be there.
I think all of us are available weekdays past 7PM Eastern or saturday nights. Wow i almost missed this weeks tourney. I was wondering when the brackets mite be up and thought it would be front page. Lucky i searchd this thread again =.=
These should be saturday nights, 6pm EST Fridays are occupied, weekdays are useless, and Sunday, our day of rest, is absurd.
It would reaaally be best if we could play saturday past 7PM Eastern. I think my whole team can be on at that time. But theres a small chance we could play sunday afternoon.
Alright, I know no one on this team. Can the team leader for this team talk to his teammates and set up some times that are good for them? My team is usually good for evening times after 8:00 pm EST. They're usually on around that time I believe. I'll go and talk to my team and get some specifics about what day and time will be good. It would be great if you could do the same and we can come to a compromise or agreement or something.
Sorry to my team for being MIA the last few days. I was having some difficulties getting the wireless up and running. Should be up by tonight, but I know that's no good for Insane. 3 Roosters/Cat, do you have any particular time this weekend you'd like to shoot for?
Before 8:30 I can do it today. I have about 10 PM sat night to 8:30 sun night, then im off for a few days...:/ edit: nevermind, i have SAT's on sunday. probobly like 5-8:30 PM sunday...
I actually really dont know at the moment cosmic, im in the process of moving to an apartment today, so thats a no go probably. I prolly wont have internet in my apartment till sunday afternoon prolly. Idk though. ill let you know if anything comes up.