Crossroads v2.5 *Updated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Firetag, May 31, 2008.

  1. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Please post your comments on this thread...And if you already downloaded the original map please re download this version it's A LOT better....ALL GLITCHES FIXED

    *Please note that xX FILESHARE Xx is just another account I made because my file share doesn't work on xX FIRETAG Xx.
    *Also please note that I based the beginning part of this map on Brno32's Last Run map.
    *Another note, I will change thread title if moderator deem necessary.


    Download Crossroads:
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    Also sorry I accidentally linked to an old version of the map, so just to be safe EVERYONE please redownload.
    Changes from v2 - v2.5:
    - I totally rebalanced game play shortening many tunnels, including the first tunnel and the actual crossroads itself. This makes it harder for humans on ammunition and when the infected try to "pile up" to take out the humans.

    - I also moved around some gravity lifts making it easier for humans and the infected to get up to the teleporter.

    - Got rid of some weapons and changed around some spawn times on them, FORCING humans to conserve on ammunition. If you don't you will probably run out if your playing with a smaller party.

    - I also fixed some glitches where you would either fly out of the map from the man cannons or you could just jump out.

    So, how is this map different then every other infection map?
    Well, this map is alot different than other infection maps and I'll give you three reasons right off the bat:

    1. Well, first off it's not another base map. (lol)
    2. It has a tricky, but really fun spawn system at the beginning ( which I'll explain later ).
    3. It uses timed map events ( which I will also go into further detail later on).
    Sounds cool, but what about this spawn system?
    At start everyone spawns in a long tunnel ( I know when you hear tunnel you think camping, but that is not the case with this map ). The infected start off in front of the humans blocking the only way out of the first tunnel. The humans must take out the starting infected and run out of the tunnel. I say RUN because the infected will be spawning right behind the humans! Now once the humans are out of the first tunnel, they must make a choice in a fork leading to two other tunnels ( it doesn't really matter which you pick because they end up meeting up quickly anyway ). After the humans are through the second tunnel they will walk through one final tunnel which leads into the first room. In the first room the humans will find two teleporters. One on the ceiling and another you will see on the far side when you first walk in.

    Ok, but what about these timed map events?
    In the first room is where we find our first timed map event. The teleporter on the far side of the wall that you saw when you first walked in. A gravity lift spawns after 90 seconds. The humans must hold off in this room until the gravity lift up to the teleporter spawns (teleporters are too high to jump up to any earlier).

    Sounds cool, but why did you name it crossroads?
    Now we get to the next part of the map (A.K.A. crossroads). Once the humans make there way through the teleporter they will have a long drop into the crossroads. The humans must walk through the crossroads and make there way into the second room. At the second room the humans will find a little more ammunition ( more spawning after a little bit ). And the humans must hold off for another 90 seconds to get to the last room.

    But, wait I don't want to be walking forever being infected!
    Well, deal with it! No I'm joking. Remember the second teleporter in the first room? Well, at the same time the lifts spawned in the second room so did one in the first leading to the other teleporter. This makes it a little hard for the humans because they have to hurry into the last room or they'll be facing some infected when they get there.

    Well, since there's three rooms and the way you did two teleporters in the first one...couldn't the humans just stay in room number two and the infected get trapped in the last room?
    No, because in the last room there is a fusion coil so the infected can suicide if this happens. And most likely it's not a good idea on the humans part because by this time there probably almost all out of ammunition.

    Wow this sounds pretty cool tell me more about the last room...
    After the humans go through the teleporter they will slide down into the last room ( yes I said slide lol ). In the last room the humans will find themselves in a slightly long hallway with a few weapons. The humans will also notice a fusion coil with an arrow pointing at it? Yes, this is the fusion coil I was talking about. If the fusion coil is blown up you will find a surprise! Now go download the map to find out what the surprise is!

    Some pictures:


    And finally a picture from my slayer map I'm working on:

    Thread Found Here

    I hope everyone has fun on my map. Please enjoy the map and report back to me if you find any errors in the map, thanks - Firetag
    #1 Firetag, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I know you're coming back to finish the thread but you really shouldn't post until its complete - just a tip
  3. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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  4. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    Just so you know, when you spam FRIST POST!!121 just to rank up, it makes you look like a massive tool.
  5. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    that is considered spaming and can get you in trouble

    And about the post please embed some pics and change the light blue font color to some thing darker

    click here to learn how to post

    #5 texturedlemur, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  6. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    wow thanks for all the spam? and ummm yes about the post clipboard got deleted so now i have to retype everything out......sorry guys

    DEAR2KILL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hurry N Post Cause U Can Get In Trouble
    Like I Did
  8. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok post is finished and links are up. :]

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow looks pretty sweet u used some items nicely and looks really fun
  10. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    yayayayayayayayay an actually post! w0000t! thank-you for the criticism...and nothing criticized badly either (yet). lol but thanks there was alot of time spent testing this map though (somewhere around a month) and thats why there really isnt a version one but since i updated so much from the original version when i first started testing i decided to call it version 2 lol
  11. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    looks awesome gonna try it out
  12. Arby

    Arby Ancient
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    I'm downloading this; it is a great concept that seems to have been followed through nicely. I especially like how you force the humans to push forward with the spawns.
  13. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Thanks for the criticism Arby. The beginning is my favorite part too! The only thing is new players to the map always run backwards in the tunnel and end up dieing lol. But, once players are oriented to the map's concepts the end up having a lot of fun.
  14. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I liked Brno32's map (not the omega journey, but he made one very similar to this) that is like this, but yours looks even better! I am dl it now and I will play it later.
  15. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    yeah I kinda used the first hallways idea in it...but i tried to concentrate a lot on aesthetics in this map because not to many infection maps I see (such as brnos) have aesthetics at all...I hope you enjoy my version of it.....and by any means it is not a remake of brno's map at all....only the beginning spawn system.....but I do hope you enjoy it I have defiantly had a lot of fun on it over the past month or so testing it
    #15 Firetag, Jun 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  16. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    looks really good, great map.
    i've just got to say that in teh screenshot where it says " final tunnel" or somethin, i was pretty sure it said anal lol
  17. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
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    Looks like an awesome map! Downloading now.
  18. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    This map is pwnage. I played it earlier. It is loads of fun

  19. keycoldwater

    keycoldwater Ancient
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    wow look cool i love infection maps consider it downloaded lol
  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I'm back and... holy... that is pretty sweet. I'm so gonna download this man. Thanks for telling me it was done.

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