Azure Trail

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Jun 1, 2008.


How does this map compare to the feature map, Heatwave?

  1. I like this map better

  2. I like Heatwave better

  3. I like them both equally

  4. You can't really compare them

  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    By: JJ3672

    Download Here:

    'Two floating bases with two equally risky ways between them. Bouncing mongeese included. Don't look down. 2-8 players.'



    When the Covenant first attacked the Earth, humans built floating structures using gravlift technology to defend against the oncoming assault. The bases were connected using teleporters and plasma shields so that humans could easily travel from one base to another. However, it was setup so that if the Covenant destroyed one base, then the other bases wouldn’t be dragged down with it. When construction was completed, there were a total of 25 aerial bases.

    The assault on the bases was brutal. Mortar fire knocked all but two of the bases out of the sky. Hundreds of Spartans died in defense of their homeland. But the bases were essential in repelling the Covenant assault, and so many enemy Phantoms and Banshees were destroyed that the Covenant were forced to retreat from the area and regroup.

    Today, even in peacetime, the remaining two bases stand as a memorial to the soldiers stationed on these bases that lost their lives.


    This is (as to my knowledge) the most unique and innovative floating map made on Standoff to date. I’ve seen many floating maps before, and many seem like a bunch of boxes and bridges haphazardly thrown together to form an aerial base. I promise you that Azure Trail is very much unlike most other maps of its type. This map is symmetrical and set up for team games and FFA (though team is preferred). The max team game is 4 vs. 4 (6 players for FFA), although that might be a bit too crowded, so 2 vs.2/3 vs. 3 is ideal.

    This is an overview of the whole map. Enough said.

    This is an overview of the main/middle floor of each team’s base. The mancannon at lower right is part of a section called the Leap of Faith. The receiver node at left is where players will come out of the leap of faith. The bridge at top left leads to the upper floor with the mongeese.

    Leap of Faith – trust the Halo gods on this one, because a careless jump will lead to a fall much longer than expected. The mancannon will push you into the semi-hidden tunnel below if you jump right into its stream. The only way out of the tunnel is through the teleporter on the other end which takes you to the receiver node near the barriers (at the same base). Each team has one of these.

    This is an overview of the top section of the map, including each team’s upper floor and the central platform. The obvious path of shield doors is the Azure Trail. The bridge at lower right leads back to the main/middle floor.

    Azure Trail – this is the trademark feature of the map. It is a series of shield doors perfectly aligned to make a path leading between the top of the bases. Keep in mind that the path can only be traversed by mongeese, and that the timing in exiting the mongoose is crucial to avoid falling to your death. Note that the central platform cannot be reached by grenade jumping (only by mongoose), so don’t try it. If under fire, don’t be afraid to exit early and aim for the brute shot platform at either base.

    This is an overview of part of the bottom section of each team’s base. The whole area with the crates and pallets is called the Lower Tunnels. The leap of faith is at far right, and its receiver node is at center.

    Lower Tunnels – this area consists of a couple interlocked double boxes and some floating pallets. The pallets can be destroyed to restrict access to the boxes or trap players inside (30 second respawn). The far box contains a teleporter leading to the same spot in the enemy base (two way node). The choice is yours: allow transport between the two bases by teleporters, or cut it off so that the azure trail is the only way to cross. Each team has these.

    This is an overview of the azure trail, center platform, and other bottom section of each team’s base. The fence box with the fusion coils is the brute shot platform (lower level), and the connecting bridge leads back to the main/middle floor. The teleporter visible is the sender node for the leap of faith.

    Details and Pickups

    Note: all weapons/equipment are in same place on the other team’s side except for the Bubble Shield and Sniper (which are positioned in the center).

    Looking down the leap of faith. The Power Drain and Mauler can be seen in the tunnels.

    The central platform. The Sniper is easily visible and the Bubble Shield sits in the azure trail on the opposite side of the platform.

    The brute shot platform. The Brute Shot sits inconspicuously between the two fusion coils (120 second respawn for coils).

    The lower tunnels. The Plasma Pistol sits atop the crate at right, the Sentinel Beam is behind the barrels in the right tunnel, and a Firebomb is held by the weapon holder below the aesthetic overshield. The left tunnel contains a teleporter to the same tunnel in the other base.

    The top floor and left side of main/middle floor. Two Mongeese sit on back of top platform and a pair of Plasmas sits on front of platform. A pair of Frags can be found underneath the bridge on the main/middle floor. Two SMG’s are located in front of the frags against the small boxes.

    Right side of middle/main floor. Two BR’s rest against the barriers in the foreground, and a Carbine rests against the barricade in the background.



    1 Sniper, r=150, c=1
    2 Sentinel Beams, r=180
    2 Brute Shots, r=120, c=1
    4 BR’s, r=30, c=2
    2 Carbines, r=30, c=2
    2 Maulers, r=60, c=1
    4 SMG’s, r=30, c=2
    2 Plasma Pistols, r=30


    4 Frags, r=10
    4 Plasmas, r=10
    2 Firebombs, r=30


    2 Power Drains, r=60
    1 Bubble Shield, r=60


    4 Mongeese, r=instant


    none (all Overshields and Camos are purely aesthetic)


    CTF (flag spawns and returns are below each team’s bridge, it is recommended that you allow the flag carrier to drive vehicles)
    Assault (bomb spawns are in front of mongeese on top of each team’s base, bomb plants are on each team’s brute shot platform)
    Neutral Bomb (bomb spawns on central platform near sniper, bomb plants are on each team’s brute shot platform)
    Oddball (ball spawns on central platform near sniper)
    Crazy King (hill spawns on central platform and in each team’s sentinel beam tunnel)
    Mosh Pit (hill spawns and stays on central platform)

    Miscellaneous Pics

    If your mongoose catches fire, exit immediately…

    Divine intervention?

    Uh, buddacrane might want to come have a look at this…

    Download Here:

    Apologies for the delay in posting this, I had other stuff to do. Mechanism should be up in another week or two, and I’ll tell you in advance that it throws all conventionalities associated with the word “switch†out the window.

    And check my sig for future map updates, or to DL Propulsion and Cagematch if you haven’t already.
  2. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i enjoyed heatwave a lot but it seems from the pics ill enjoy this more. it looks beutiful, you seemed to have thought a lot out and the mongoose bridge is awesome ive seen it done before but this is much neater and more dangerous ;D dl now
  3. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    i think you have every right to boast about this map. i really can't think of anything to say. it's excellent. well done. great job. none of these even come close to how i feel about this map. you get the point.
  4. xKeegannox

    xKeegannox Ancient
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    i thought heatwave was fun and a good looking map this one just takes the cake wow, props man. cant wait to try it
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    to be honest completely i like this floating arena more than heat wave because it looks like it could be more fun
    ex. the mongoose bouncing and the mancannons though the teleporter.
  6. FordCalvin

    FordCalvin Ancient

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    I like it. This is one of the best floating maps I have seen on Standoff.
  7. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    It looks like a fun team slayer map, I havn't seen much of these things you included in your map in others
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Wow, this is just like a pumped up version of Heatwave (And by that I mean it looks better, not that you stole it)

    Heatwave got a 5/5 from me, and if i could, i'd give you a 6/5.
  9. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    wow this is a very well made map i specificaly like the shield door driveway goodluck with your future posts 4.7/5
  10. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this looks really fun. heat wave was good and this looks better

    p.s. nice use of shield doors
  11. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Looks very fun.
  12. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    i just played it and omg, i could use that shield runway over and over its awesome its so perfectly balanced great map
  13. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks nuce, i havnt seen much maps on standoff in awhile
  14. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    it looks fun, I will try it out soon to see if it's good for slayer
  15. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback and ratings, especially to Chicken Dippah for testing it out and reporting back.

    I'm open for any questions and requests.

    And since Blaze814 is already monopolizing the competetive maps page, let's get him in here and see what he thinks...
  16. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    4.5/5 brcause the vehicals when going on the ramp are hard to control+ thee isn't muvh space for fighting.
  17. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks awesome, but may I suggest making extra teleporters or a floating one so jerks such as myself don't block it?
  18. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    looks clean and nice use of interlocking. from what i can tell from the pics i see you took your time and planned things out pretty well. good job
  19. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    Let me start off by saying that I don't like floating maps on Standoff. But this one seems different. I haven't been played it yet. But the Azure trail looks interesting, and you got my download. So congrats on that.

    Now on to the map itself.

    I like the look of it. But it seems like it's lacking something. I'm not sure what.

    Also I was wondering if it was possible to get onto Standoff at all. And whether it is possible to block the teleporters.
    Both of those wouldn't break gameplay.

    As far as weapons go they look good. But I'm not sure about the sniper, I'm speculating here though. I haven't played the map yet. But from what I've seen it looks good. I'll be back later to tell you what I thought of it after playing it with some friends.
  20. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I used up pretty much all of the immovable objects available for Standoff. It ain't gonna get any bigger. And vehicular chaos is what makes the map fun to play.

    Meh, I think it's fine the way it is. There's already four teleporters on the map (all going to specific places), and adding more would just create confusion. Besides, if someone's camping the teleporters, then don't go through them. Just use the mongoose path.

    Thanks. It did take a while...

    To tell the truth, it was virtually impossible to completely block off Standoff to the most accomplished of grenade jumpers, as I was out of immovable objects and blank teleporters can only hold boxes and barriers in place loosely. So, I did the best I could with the wall, but if one were to shift it a small amount with the brute shot/plasmas and then grenade jump, it is probably possible to escape.

    However, the bottom line is, escaping requires a decent bit of work and is not 100% guaranteed (you will fall off the cliff a fair share of times), so it shouldn't really be a problem in intense matches.

    I guess you could say that I should've put the map above that instant death area like others have done, but that would take away from the atmosphere and authenticity.

    As for the working teleporters, see what I said for the other guy above.

    And thanks for the kind words of wisdom.

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